Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Brussels, 23 July 2024

On Tuesday, along with the Chair, MEPs on the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee elected all four Vice-Chairs for the next two and a half years. Ms Lina Gálvez was elected by acclamation and will chair the committee, which has 40 members this term.

Following her election, Lina Gálvez (S&D, Spain) said:

“In these critical times when democracies are at risk, gender equality and women’s rights must stay at the core of EU values. We must get rid of the democratic deficit that results in women being murdered due to gender-based violence, in lower incomes, fewer opportunities, greater poverty and women being undervalued.”

Members of the committee also elected four Vice-Chairs:

1st Vice-Chair: Dainius Žalimas (Renew, Lithuania) by acclamation

2nd Vice-Chair: Irene Montero (The Left, Spain) by acclamation

3rd Vice-Chair: Rosa Estaràs Ferragut (EPP, Spain) by acclamation

4th Vice-Chair: Predrag Fred Matić (S&D, Croatia) by acclamation.

A committee bureau (Chair and up to four Vice-chairs) is elected for a two-and-a-half-year mandate. Committees deal with legislative proposals, appoint negotiating teams to conduct talks with EU ministers, adopt reports, organise hearings and scrutinise other EU bodies and institutions.

More information on the powers and responsibilities of EP committees.

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