Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
49/2023 : 16 March 2023 – Opinion of the Advocate General in cases C-634/21, C-26/22, C-64/22

SCHUFA Holding and Others (Scoring) Principles of Community law Advocate General Pikamäe: the automated establishment of a probability concerning the ability of a person to service a loan constitutes profiling under the GDPR


48/2023 : 16 March 2023 – Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-339/21

Colt Technology Services and Others Telecommunications operators may be obliged to provide, upon request from a judicial authority, communication interception operations in return for a fixed rate


47/2023 : 16 March 2023 – Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-174/21

Commission v Bulgaria (Double manquement – Pollution par les PM10) Law governing the institutions The Commission’s first action for a twofold failure to fulfil obligations in relation to air pollution is inadmissible


46/2023 : 16 March 2023 – Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-449/21

Towercast Competition The prohibition of abuse of a dominant position laid down by the Treaties permits an ex post control, at national level, of a concentration of undertakings with a non-Community dimension


46/2023 : 16 March 2023 – Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-449/21

Towercast Competition L’interdiction d’abus de position dominante prévue par les traités permet un contrôle au niveau national et a posteriori d’une opération de concentration d’entreprises de dimension non communautaire


45/2023 : 9 March 2023 – Opinion of the Advocate General in the case C-680/21

Royal Antwerp Football Club Freedom of movement for persons Football: according to Advocate General Szpunar the UEFA rules on home-grown players are partially incompatible with EU law


44/2023 : 9 March 2023 – Judgments of the Court of Justice in Cases C-682/20 P, C-690/20 P, C-693/20 P

Les Mousquetaires and ITM Entreprises v Commission Competition The Court sets aside in part the judgments of the General Court and, consequently, annuls the decisions of the Commission ordering inspections at the premises of a number of French undertakings in the distribution sector on account of suspicions of anticompetitive practices


43/2023 : 8 March 2023 – Judgment of the General Court in case T-212/22

Prigozhina v Council External relations The General Court annuls the restrictive measures applied to Ms Violetta Prigozhina, mother of Mr Yevgeniy Prigozhin, in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine

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