Norway is now providing NOK 150 million in humanitarian funding via the UN and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

“The funding from Norway will be used to provide life-saving emergency assistance for the thousands of people in southern Ukraine who are contending with the devastation caused by the flooding. All the humanitarian actors we support in Ukraine can rest assured that Norway will do its part to promote a rapid response in the flood-affected areas,” said Ms Huitfeldt.

The full extent of the damage will become clearer in the coming few days. However, the flooding is already having severe, wide-ranging impacts on large parts of the population in Kherson province and the other affected areas.

“Norway has flood response equipment that Ukraine needs. This is now being prepared for shipment. I am pleased that the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection and other relevant actors were able to respond quickly in this situation so that we can offer this equipment right away,” said Minister of Justice and Public Security Emilie Enger Mehl.

Five containers carrying flood response equipment valued at NOK 7.5 million will be made available to the Ukrainian authorities. The equipment can be used to secure critical infrastructure, hold floodwaters back and prevent contamination. It includes among other things flexible flood barriers and retention ponds, pumps, generators and hoses.

Norway is providing this support in response to a request from the Ukrainian authorities for assistance in dealing with the floodwaters. Areas downstream of the Dnipro river will be flooded for a long time to come due to the destruction of the dam. Large numbers of people have already been evacuated.