Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Wednesday, 28 April

  • Live coverage of debates and votes can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.
  • For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.
  • All information regarding plenary, including speakers’ lists, can be found here.
Digital Green Certificate

From 9.00 Plenary will discuss with Commissioner Reynders and Portuguese Secretary of State Zacarias the recently tabled Digital Green Certificate, aimed at facilitating free movement in the EU during the pandemic. Once Parliament has adopted its negotiating position, negotiations with member states can promptly start in order to adopt the legislation by the summer. The vote will take place this evening, with results announced on Thursday at 9.00. MEPs will also debate and vote (on Thursday) on a resolution on accessibility and affordability of Covid-testing, a key concern of the EP.

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External Relations: debates with Borrell on Russia, China and Colombia

At 15.00, MEPs will discuss EU-Russia relations with High Representative Josep Borrell. The wellbeing of Alexei Navalny, the military build-up on Ukraine’s border and the diplomatic spat between Moscow and Czechia will be the main topics for discussion. MEPs will also raise the implementation of the peace deal in Colombia and the sanctions imposed by China on EU entities and MEPs. Plenary will vote on resolutions on Russia and Colombia on Thursday and on China during the next Plenary session in May.

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Preventing the dissemination of terrorist content online

New rules to fight the dissemination of terrorist content on the internet will be the focus of an evening plenary debate. Under these, internet platforms will have one hour to remove flagged content or disable access to it in all member states, with exceptions for journalistic and educational purposes. The approval of the legislation will be announced at the end of the debate.

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In brief:

Rail passengers’ rights and obligations.
 MEPs will debate new rules that would better protect and assist train travellers facing delays, cancellations or discrimination. The text is set to be adopted tomorrow.

Digital taxation. Parliament wants to revamp international tax rules to better adapt them to the digital era. MEPs will debate and vote on a report that calls for, among other things, an international minimum effective corporate tax rate. Vote results will be announced on Thursday at 9.00.

European Child Guarantee. MEPs will ask the Commission and the Council on EU measures about the European Child guarantee, whose aim is to lift at least five million children out of poverty by 2030.


Results of Tuesday’s second voting session will be announced at 9.00 including on, among other things, the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement and the accompanying plenary resolution.

The first voting session will take place between 13.00 and 14.15, where MEPs will vote on a resolution on soil protection and on a new management plan for bluefin tuna. Results will be announced at 19.00.

The second voting session will take place between 19.55 and 21.10 and the results will be announced to plenary on Thursday morning at 9.00.

MEPs will cast final votes on:

  • the Digital Green Certificate legislative proposals,
  • the digital taxation own-initiative report, and
  • a resolution on the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia and the rule of law in Malta (debate in plenary in March).
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