Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Brussels, 24 May 2023

The European Union is gravely concerned by and condemns the decision of the Israeli authorities to allow Israeli citizens to establish permanent presence in the outpost in Homesh in the occupied West Bank. The EU urges the Israeli government to reverse this and its decisions taken on 17 May to advance plans for more than 600 housing units in existing and new settlements in the West Bank.

Settlements are illegal under international law and undermine the viability of the two-state solution. Such unilateral actions go against efforts to lower tensions on the ground.

The EU is appalled to learn that the Palestinian community of Ein Samiya in the occupied West Bank, which comprises 172 people, including 78 children, was forced to leave their homes permanently, as a result of repeated settler attacks and demolition orders. The EU firmly condemns settler violence and calls on Israel to ensure accountability.

Source – EEAS

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