Mon. Sep 16th, 2024
touch screen, finger, technology
Smart innovation. Photo by geralt on Pixabay
  • La Semaine européenne des régions et des villes est sur le point de commencer : dernière chance de s’inscrire
  • European Week of Regions and Cities
  • Eurostat presents the 2022 Regional Yearbook edition
  • United Nations urges architects, engineers and city shapers to put sustainability principles into action
  • New deadline – The Joint Research Centre invites European regions to participate in the REGIONS2030 Pilot Project
  • Video message by Commissioner Elisa Ferreira for the opening session of the high-level Conference “20 years of ESPON – Innovative evidence support for territorial policy-making – Perspectives for 2030”
  • EURegionsWeek 2022 Workshop: Empowering youth and strengthening digitalisation for territorial cohesion
  • Newly elected chair Emil Boc makes efficient use of EU budget and cohesion funds a top priority of the COTER commission works
  • mySMARTLife Cities Network: 4th Knowledge Transfer Workshop in Hamburg
  • Info Day – Data Space for Smart Communities
  • International conference “Urban environment – security threat or opportunity for prevention?”
  • Latest publications by ELTIS
    • New SUMP Topic Guide on Parking and SUMP
    • Apply for both the EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK and the new MOBILITY ACTION Awards
    • City Database Update – Call for City Contribution
    • European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) Report: Reducing Child Deaths on European Roads
    • Study highlights effective ways to reduce car use in cities
    • Vienna revamps its public spaces to cool the city and support liveable cities
    • Increasing cycling trend in Budapest
    • MOBI MIX Insight Report: Mobility hubs, a lever for more sustainable mobility?
    • Study on the social dimension of the transport system regarding users and passengers
    • New report on gender diversity in the transport sector
    • Bicycles and ITS: The smart bicycle library
    • Berlin will increase parking fees in 2023
    • The city of Sofia is to introduce a Low Emissions Zone
    • New SUMP Topic Guide on Planning for Attractive Public Transport
  • Urban Data in focus at Sustainable Energy Conference
  • Schlagkräftiges Konsortium startet das Projekt DEER, um Engpässe im deutschen Stromnetz aufzulösen
  • Energy sharing in microgrids is a win-win — but complicated – Microgrid Knowledge
  • Espoo, Mannheim and Umeå join forces to promote local sustainable development
  • More action and investment needed in cities to end ‘cascade of challenges’ – UN News
  • 100 more regions and local authorities join the EU Mission for Adaptation to Climate Change
  • More signatories join the EU Mission for Adaptation to Climate Change
  • Governments, architects and city shapers to gather in San Marino to advance cooperation for sustainable urban development
  • WEF: Cities can improve our mental health by having more green areas
  • Latest publications by JPI Urban Europe
    • CITYFOOD makes the case for bringing food production into our cities
    • Cities need to go beyond the local level
    • Collective knowledge can turn urban farming into a sustainable way to grow food and forge communities.
    • Visualised land use scenarios for food and energy production in cities
    • Rigorous and credible water models can help us fight against future water scarcity
    • Data & Policy: Interpreting the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
    • How to involve stakeholders in the Food-Water-Energy nexus
    • How to Make Cities Resilient With the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
    • The Case for the Food-Water-Energy Nexus: How Cities Benefit
    • Food-Water-Energy nexus facts & figures
    • Challenges of the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
    • What is the Food-Water-Energy Nexus?
  • Finalisten für den Smart Country Startup Award stehen fest – Bitkom
  • Data, tools and people: Introducing the three enablers of Defra’s Data Analytics and Science Hub – Defra
  • Headlines by
    • A satellite, quantum communications, and public services
    • Local government cyber security group looks to post-PSN assurance
    • Wales plans digital tool for procurement policy
    • Sunderland City Council backs IoT and 5G start-ups
    • Defra to lead Government e-Sustainability Alliance
    • Rail Data Marketplace platform set for beta launch in November
    • Sunderland City Council runs smart bin trials
    • Home Office consults on unauthorised access to online accounts
  • Latest links to stories published by Next City
    • Record Heat Waves And Droughts Can’t Dry Up This Native Garden in Phoenix
    • A Pennsylvania Program Will Provide Free Repairs – So Long As Landlords Don’t Hike Rents
    • A Resource Center For Unhoused Portlanders Focuses On Peer Support
    • What A Post-Quake City Teaches Us About Urban Recovery And Transformation
    • In Austin, A Village of Tiny Homes Makes A Big Impact
    • As Fare-Free Transit Catches On, Checking In On 5 Cities With Free Public Transit
    • How Cities Across the U.S. Can Help Beloved Local Businesses Convert to Employee-Ownership
  • Smart Cities Council announces a new Global Initiative “Everyone”
  • Top headlines on Smart City developments
    • Smart city automated — OpenStreetMap & MarieAI connected
    • Portland wants to be America’s most prominent smart city
    • Lidar-based Smart Corridor and Smart City projects for pedestrian safety and efficient traffic…
    • The Paytech Show: Payments in Africa – Financial Mobility In The Sub Sahara Smart Cities & Mobile Payments
    • SmartCow Unveils New E2E Solutions for Smart cities with 5G Functionality
    • Tech at the top of Dubai’s priorities, says Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid
    • Centre highlights cities that have curbed urban flooding
    • Internet of Things will Change the World
    • Innovative models key to building cities of the future, says Pinarayi
    • A new city in Kuwait, named XZERO
    • Score Workshop 2022 : Learning from Smart Cities Open Research Experience (SCORE) – Workshop 2022
    • BW4 2022 : Fourth Workshop on Blockchain Technologies and its Applications
    • Smart City Asia/Pacific Awards Report Series: Public Safety and Next-Generation Emergency Services
    • Swiss businesswoman: Azerbaijan aims to create “cities of future” on liberated lands
    • The city without qualities: Inventing urban computing
    • Digital Customer Experience Woes: Where Are My Race Car Tickets?
    • EPCOT: The Original ‘Smart City’
    • ETSI flagship event Security Conference attracts nearly 200 attendees onsite
    • Markus Levin on Geospatial Data, The MetaVerse and XYO Network | Ep. 167
    • Smart Cities are HERE! Question is: Which Blockchain will be Chosen by Smart Cities of the Future?
    • The GCC in the global power cycle: The reform-security nexus
    • Smart cities need to re-evaluate their objectives, new report says
    • Invest Newcastle highlights smart city and green energy credentials in visit to Norway
    • Mayors, representatives discuss city liveability at SDEC 2022
    • Gulf states go digital with China
    • Smart Cities Team with Universities to Launch Smart City Projects
    • Role of Cutting-Edge Technology in Transformation of the Parking Industry
    • Face recognition, infrared cameras to guard new lighting system at Vellore fort
    • The Chinese start-ups working on developing smart cities
    • Metaverse Use Cases And Best Practices For The Manufacturing Sector

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