Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
Light trails on city street
Light trails. Photo by Pixabay on Pexels
  • #UF23: How cities are cutting emissions
  • Introductory remarks by Mr Janusz Wojciechwoski at structured dialogue with the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee of the European Parliament.
  • EU Cohesion Policy: Commission launches the European Urban Initiative
  • Speech (by video message) for the meeting of the Cohesion Alliance
  • EU Commission: Opening Speech at the Cities Forum – Torino, 16 March 2023
  • Committee of European Regions: Only a strong Cohesion Policy can ensure a united and fairer future to the EU
  • New European Bauhaus: launch of capacity-building programme to start Ukraine’s reconstruction
  • Unlocking the potential of testing activities
  • Why Integrated Action Plans matter: the case of Torino
  • Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) Conference 2023: Building a community of practice for S3 implementation
  • Partnerships for Regional innovation as a bridge between smart specialisation and other EU policies to promote innovation-driven territorial transformation
  • Leveraging deep tech green transition and digital solutions to transform EU industrial ecosystems
  • Prix européens de la mobilité urbaine : Braga et Metropolia GZM récompensées pour leurs actions en faveur de la mobilité verte
  • For Renew Europe, safety and connectivity must be the foundations of European urban mobility
  • Civitas: Two Urban Logistics solutions for the last-mile delivery problem
  • Latest publications by ELTIS
  • European Commission proposes updated requirements for driving licences and better cross-border enforcement of road traffic rules
  • Winners of the European Urban Mobility Awards announced
  • 23 school buses sent to Ukraine as part of the EU Solidarity Campaign
  • Commission welcomes political agreement on the European Year of Skills
  • Launch of the Excellence in Road Safety Awards 2023
  • Commission to announce a European Declaration on Cycling
  • Commission Recommendation on National Support Programmes for Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning
  • Latest developments of the Expert Group on Urban Mobility (EGUM)
  • New publication outlines how to make mobility gender equal
  • Bridging urban-rural transport divides
  • Digital Twins predict future Autonomous Vehicle crash scenarios
  • Helsinki renovates its main boulevard
  • Gdynia supports residents to purchase e-bikes
  • Sustainable Transport Forum – new membership appointments
  • ASCR Smart City Forum zu Energiegemeinschaften – Aspern Smart City Research
  • Bitkom zeichnet 15 neue Smart Schools aus
  • Bundestag: Antrag zur Digitalisierung durch “Smart Cities” und “Smarte.Land.Regionen”
  • Wie Städte Bauland mobilisieren und durch Bodenpolitik Wohnraum schaffen – difu
  • Wie Kommunen besser mit Krisen umgehen können – difu
  • ISCN Podcast #12: Data Spaces für Smart Cities – Smart City Dialog
  • Start Smart: Peer-Learnings gehen los – Smart City Dialog
  • Dortmund: Smart City: Dortmund wird mit smarter Strategie zur innovativen und lebenswerten Stadt
  • ePart MS-LAB – “Einfach. Smart. Münster”
  • Mayors of six largest cities call for quick solutions to talent shortage
  • Seppo Määttä selected Co-Chair of Mayors’ Digital Assembly
  • Latest headline published by Next City
  • This Young Farmer Is Helping To Heal Her Community’s Connection To The Land
  • On-Demand Buses Can Transform Travel And Daily Life For People With Disabilities
  • Dead Electric Car Batteries Find a Second Life Powering Cities
  • African Societies Will Inform This Community-Centered Housing Model In Toronto
  • Italy’s Renewable Energy Communities Fight Energy Poverty, And Climate Change
  • The Care(ful) Work Of Abolishing Prisons
  • Global headlines about Smart City developments
  • Guidehouse Insights Estimates Smart City AI Revenue Will Reach $6.5 Billion by 2032
  • Living in a Shanghai — Smart City: My Experience with AI-Enabled Infrastructure
  • Pete Buttigieg still believes in smart cities
  • “Unlocking the Potential of Smart Cities with 5G-Enabled IoT”
  • Peerless-AV intros upgraded ‘smart city’ kiosks
  • Guidehouse Insights estimates smart city AI revenue will reach $6.5 billion by 2032
  • Rajkot’s Smart City dream trampled under inefficient public transport
  • Chicago’s Smart City: Enhancing Services Through Innovation
  • Canada’s Spy Agency Says ‘Smart City’ Platforms Pose Risks
  • Mini Karachi Smart City Development Update Mar-2023 | Avenue Marketing

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