Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
sagrada família, cathedral, architecture
La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, host of the Smart City World Expo. Photo by Patrice_Audet on Pixabay
  • UNECE Forum of Mayors fosters city-to-city learning for regeneration and resilience, facilitating an inclusive multilateralism
  • UNECE helps Ukraine draft law to address housing challenges and develops municipal investment tracker for greater transparency in reconstruction projects
  • Smart City Data Governance: Challenges and the Way Forward
  • REPLIES OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION TO THE ECA SPECIAL REPORT “Smart Cities: : Tangible solutions, but fragmentation challenges their wider adoption”
  • Smart City Expo World Congress & Smart Cities Marketplace Forum
  • Video speech by EU Commissioner Elisa Ferreira for the Budapest Forum on “Building Sustainable Democracies”, session ‘Direct European Funding for Cities’
  • Which EU regions rely heavily on agriculture?
  • Save the date for the upcoming DUT Conference 2024
  • Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum 2023
  • Latest publications by Eltis
  • European Disability Card and European Parking Card for persons with disabilities
  • European Road Safety Observatory: Report on the risks of driving under the influence and results of the Excellence in Road Safety Awards
  • MOBILITY ACTION Award: Applications open as part of EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK
  • Amsterdam prepares drivers for the introduction of 30 km/h speed limit
  • Re-live Urban Mobility Days 2023
  • Milan mandates the installation of sensors on trucks to improve safety
  • Unlocking the Potential of Digital, Situation-Aware Nudging for Promoting Sustainable Mobility
  • Vilnius, Viladecans and Treviso announced as winners of the 2025 European Green City awards
  • Helsinki looks to autonomous water taxis for connecting to its archipelago
  • Funding applications open for sustainable mobility projects in European cities
  • Re-launch of EAFO consumer survey on EV adoption
  • Adapting to Climate Change: Celje’s Sustainable Transformation
  • Malta embarking on EUR 20 million electric bus venture
  • Linking Urban Mobility and Urban Space to Achieve Climate Neutrality: Urban mobility days dives in!
  • The superblock concept is being tested in Lisbon
  • Warsaw gives out free health checks for bicycles as part of European Mobility Week
  • Initiatives across Europe for EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK 2023
  • Urban mobility in Kharkiv during the war
  • Ten European cities awarded with EU Mission Label for their plans to reach climate-neutrality by 2030
  • Building Healthy Cities – Smart Cities Council
  • Eurostat: Key figures on European living conditions – 2023 edition
  • Experten im Bundestag: Anstrengungen bei Büro­kratieabbau und Digi­talisierung weiter nötig
  • Bund, Länder und Kommunen verabschieden einheitlichen Klimabilanzstandard für Kultureinrichtungen
  • Detmold: Urkunden ab sofort online beantragen
  • Vantaa is a forward-looking city – in the year 2024 Vantaa invests in the future
  • Vantaa: Urban culture house town planning starts – residentsʼ meeting on 25. October 2023
  • Espoo: E-sports coaching combines gaming with studying
  • Aarhus Strengthens Denmark Against Cyber Threats
  • California city explores digital wayfinding kiosks
  • Swiss city Lugano to accept BTC for taxes, grant $50m to crypto startups
  • AI tools for city management launched at Bloomberg CityLab
  • Why Public-Private Collaboration Is Critical To Our Future In Tech
  • Exploring the Benefits of IoT Tracking Sensors in Smart Cities
  • Smart Energy Finances: €108m for supercapacitors and the SuperBattery
  • Why health and wellbeing should be at centre of urban planning
  • GITEX Global weighs in on sustainability, e-government
  • Shanghai all in for new-type infrastructure
  • The US Has Failed to Pass AI Regulation. New York City Is Stepping Up
  • STC Group to expand 5G network in over 75 Saudi cities
  • SmartCow launches edge AI camera for smart city applications
  • NYC project looks to support climate law with building inspection tech
  • Urban Policy Committee builds a fair partnership
  • The US has new clean energy and efficiency programs for low-income housing
  • Tech start-ups boosted by access to skills and science from Exeter to Edinburgh
  • How cities bring a new context to design thinking – Architecture and Design
  • Here Are The Richest Cities In Missouri, From The Latest Census Data
  • Re-live Urban Mobility Days 2023
  • Stockholm Bans Diesel, Petrol Cars in City Center From 2025
  • England’s biggest cities should introduce congestion charges, says commission
  • The Richest Cities In North Carolina, Per The Latest Census Data
  • Here Are The Richest Cities In South Carolina, Per The Latest Census Data
  • Meet the landscape architect turning cities into sponges
  • Smart, autonomous vehicle hub established in Masdar City
  • 85% of urban commuters find public transport inadequate, inaccessible: Survey


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