Mon. Sep 16th, 2024
euro, money, currency
Insight EU Finance Monitoring. Photo by geralt on Pixabay
  • Digitalisation – key assessment criteria and collection of sound practices
  • Buying insurance at low economic cost – the effects of bank capital buffer increases since the pandemic
  • Are low interest rates firing back? Interest rate risk in the banking book and bank lending in a rising interest rate environment
  • Results of the June 2024 Survey on credit terms and conditions in euro-denominated securities financing and over-the-counter derivatives markets (SESFOD)
  • Survey on credit terms and conditions in euro-denominated securities financing and OTC derivatives markets (SESFOD) – June 2024
  • ESS-ESCB Quality assessment report on statistics underlying the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure
  • Agenda highlights of the Eurogroup, 15 July 2024
  • Agenda highlights of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council, 16 July 2024
  • Joachim Nagel (Deutsche Bundesbank): The digital euro and the protection of privacy
  • ESAs consult on Guidelines under the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation
  • UK: Court sets dates for ‘finfluencer’ trials
  • Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft: Spitzenverbände zur Harmonisierung des Insolvenzrechts in Europa
  • ESAs report on the use of behavioural insights in supervisory and policy work
  • CSDR Refit: ESMA consults on rules to recalibrate and further clarify the framework
  • ESMA’s stress test of Central Counterparties finds clearing system resilient
  • ESMA consults on Liquidity Management Tools for funds
  • Verena Ross’ speech at the public hearing on revised rules following the MiFIR review
  • Register of authorised European long-term investment funds (ELTIFs)
  • Hearing – Webinar on Risk article on neo-brokers in the EU
  • TRV Article – Neo-brokers in the EU: Developments, benefits and risks
  • Compliance table on Guidelines on delay in the disclosure of inside information and interactions with prudential supervision
  • Compliance table – MAR Guidelines on information relating to commodity derivatives markets or related spot markets for the purpose of the definition of inside information on commodity derivatives
  • Compliance table on the Guidelines on the reporting to Competent Authorities under Article 37 of the MMF Regulation
  • Compliance table regarding MAR guidelines for persons receiving market soundings
  • Compliance table for the Guidelines on market making activities under the Short Selling Regulation
  • ESMA: Open Consultations
  • EIOPA announces the new composition of its stakeholder groups
  • EBA updates list of other systemically important institutions
  • EBA notes EU-wide consistent implementation of 2023 priorities in supervisory work programmes but highlights need for further consistency in the identification and treatment of risks covered by Pillar 2 requirements
  • EBA identifies key supervisory areas as part of the European Supervisory Examination Programme for 2025
  • The EBA consults on criteria to assess the materiality of CVA risk exposures arising from securities financing transactions
  • ST 11630 2024 COR 1 European Semester 2024: Labour and skills shortages in the EU – Policy debate
  • ST 11674 2024 COR 1 COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION amending Implementing Decision of 13 July 2021 on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Germany
  • ST 11731 2024 INIT Regulation (EU) 2015/760 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2015 on European long-term investment funds
  • ST 11858 2024 ADD 1 COR 1 ANNEX to the COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION amending Implementing Decision of 13 July 2021 on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Greece
  • ST 11858 2024 COR 1 COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION amending Implementing Decision of 13 July 2021 on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Greece
  • ST 11952 2024 INIT Ensuring rapid pension protection for persons who have exercised their freedom of movement within the EU – Information from Czechia, supported by Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia
  • ST 12092 2024 INIT – Attendance of the OLAF Supervisory Committee at the meeting of the Working Party on Combating Fraud on 18 July 2024
  • ST 12244 2024 INIT – Draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2025
  • ST 12246 2024 INIT COMMISSION DECISION of 11.7.2024 amending Implementing Decision C(2023)8728 as regards long-term funding for all new financial assistance programmes
  • ST 12259 2024 INIT – Proposal for a COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1778 as regards an extension of the authorisation for Germany to apply a special measure derogating from Article 193 of Directive 2006/112/EC on the common system of value added tax
  • CM 3079 2024 INIT – Working Party on the United Kingdom
  • CM 3743 2024 INIT – Working Party on Combating Fraud (Morning Only)
  • CM 3729 2024 INIT – Trade Policy Committee (Full Members)
  • CM 3733 2024 INIT – Working Party on Customs Union
  • CM 3617 2024 INIT – Law Enforcement Working Party (Police)
  • ST 11197 2024 INIT – Directive (EU) 2021/2101 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2021 amending Directive 2013/34/EU as regards disclosure of income tax information by certain undertakings and branches
  • ST 11286 2024 INIT – Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 November 2014 on key information documents for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs)
  • ST 11535 2024 ADD 1 – ANNEX to the COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION amending Implementing Decision of 29 October 2021 on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Finland
  • ST 11535 2024 INIT – COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION amending Implementing Decision of 29 October 2021 on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Finland
  • ST 11674 2024 INIT – COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION amending Implementing Decision of 13 July 2021 on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Germany
  • ST 11693 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Belgium
  • ST 11694 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Bulgaria
  • ST 11695 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Czechia
  • ST 11696 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Denmark
  • ST 11697 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Germany
  • ST 11698 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Estonia
  • ST 11699 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Ireland
  • ST 11700 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Greece
  • ST 11701 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Spain
  • ST 11702 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of France
  • ST 11703 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Croatia
  • ST 11704 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Italy
  • ST 11705 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Cyprus
  • ST 11706 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Latvia
  • ST 11707 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Lithuania
  • ST 11708 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Luxembourg
  • ST 11709 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Hungary
  • ST 11710 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Malta
  • ST 11711 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of the Netherlands
  • ST 11712 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Austria
  • ST 11713 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Poland
  • ST 11714 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Portugal
  • ST 11715 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Romania
  • ST 11716 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Slovenia
  • ST 11717 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Slovakia
  • ST 11718 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Finland
  • ST 11719 2024 INIT – COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Sweden
  • ST 11805 2024 ADD 1 – ANNEX to the COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION amending Implementing Decision of 17 June 2022 on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Poland
  • ST 11805 2024 INIT – COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION amending Implementing Decision of 17 June 2022 on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Poland
  • ST 11806 2024 ADD 1 – ANNEX to the COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION amending Implementing Decision of 28 July 2021 on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Cyprus
  • ST 11806 2024 INIT – COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION amending Implementing Decision of 28 July 2021 on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Cyprus
  • ST 11858 2024 ADD 1 – ANNEX to the COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION amending Implementing Decision of 13 July 2021 on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Greece
  • ST 11858 2024 INIT – COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION amending Implementing Decision of 13 July 2021 on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Greece
  • ST 12076 2024 ADD 1 – ANNEX to the Proposal for a Council Implementing Regulation amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 282/2011 as regards the electronic value added tax exemption certificate
  • ST 12076 2024 INIT – Proposal for a COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 282/2011 as regards the electronic value added tax exemption certificate
  • ST 12079 2024 INIT – Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTIVE amending Directive 2006/112/EC as regards the electronic value added tax exemption certificate
  • ST 12139 2024 INIT – COMMISSION OPINION of 8.7.2024 on the existence of an excessive deficit in Belgium
  • ST 12140 2024 INIT – COMMISSION OPINION of 8.7.2024 on the existence of an excessive deficit in France
  • ST 12141 2024 INIT – COMMISSION OPINION of 8.7.2024 on the existence of an excessive deficit in Hungary
  • ST 12142 2024 INIT – COMMISSION OPINION of 8.7.2024 on the existence of an excessive deficit in Italy
  • ST 12143 2024 INIT – COMMISSION OPINION of 8.7.2024 on the existence of an excessive deficit in Malta
  • ST 12144 2024 INIT – COMMISSION OPINION of 8.7.2024 on the existence of an excessive deficit in Poland
  • ST 12145 2024 INIT – COMMISSION OPINION of 8.7.2024 on the existence of an excessive deficit in Slovakia
  • CM 3405 2024 REV 1 – Working Party on Tax Questions (Indirect Taxation – VAT)
  • CM 3700 2024 ADD 1 – BUDGET COMMITTEE
  • CM 3570 2024 REV 1 – COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (Economic and Financial Affairs)
  • CM 3688 2024 INIT – COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (Economic and Financial Affairs/Budget)
  • ST 11918 2024 INIT – Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the existence of an excessive deficit in Belgium
  • ST 11919 2024 INIT – Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the existence of an excessive deficit in France
  • ST 11920 2024 INIT – Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the existence of an excessive deficit in Hungary
  • ST 11921 2024 INIT – Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the existence of an excessive deficit in Italy
  • ST 11922 2024 INIT – Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the existence of an excessive deficit in Malta
  • ST 11923 2024 INIT-  Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the existence of an excessive deficit in Poland
  • ST 11925 2024 INIT – Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the existence of an excessive deficit in Slovakia
  • ST 11720 2024 INIT – Council Recommendations on the economic, social, employment, structural and budgetary policies of Member States
  • ST 11630 2024 INIT – European Semester 2024: Labour and skills shortages in the EU – Policy debate
  • ST 11933 2024 INIT – Draft position of the European Union and its Member States for the second substantive session of the Ad Hoc Committee to draft terms of reference for a UN Framework Convention on international tax cooperation (New York, 29 July to 16 August 2024) – Approval
  • Briefing – Amendments to banking capital requirements legislation – 08-07-2024
  • Briefing – Germany’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan: Latest state of play – 02-07-2024
  • Briefing – France’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan: Latest state of play – 03-07-2024
  • Briefing – Portugal’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan: Latest state of play – 03-07-2024
  • Briefing – Public finance in Euro area Member States: Selected indicators July 2024 – 03-07-2024
  • Briefing – Establishing an EU customs data hub and an EU customs authority – 05-07-2024
  • COMMISSION DECISION approving the Amendment Agreement regarding Annex II-D of the Agreement dated 7 March 2022 between the European Union and the European Investment Fund
  • COMMISSION DECISION approving the Amendment and Restatement Agreement N° 1 to the Agreement dated 7 November 2023 between the European Union and the Bulgarian Development Bank
  • Commission Decision on a policy check under Article 23 of Regulation (EU) 2021/523 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the InvestEU Programme
  • Commission Decision on a policy check under Article 23 of Regulation (EU) 2021/523 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the InvestEU Programme
  • Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the existence of an excessive deficit in Poland
  • Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the existence of an excessive deficit in France
  • Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the existence of an excessive deficit in Italy
  • Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the existence of an excessive deficit in Belgium
  • Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the existence of an excessive deficit in Hungary
  • COMMISSION OPINION on the existence of an excessive deficit in France
  • Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the existence of an excessive deficit in Slovakia
  • Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the existence of an excessive deficit in Malta
  • COMMISSION OPINION on the existence of an excessive deficit in Slovakia
  • COMMISSION OPINION on the existence of an excessive deficit in Italy
  • COMMISSION OPINION on the existence of an excessive deficit in Belgium
  • COMMISSION OPINION on the existence of an excessive deficit in Poland
  • COMMISSION OPINION on the existence of an excessive deficit in Malta
  • COMMISSION OPINION on the existence of an excessive deficit in Hungary
  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION on the borrowing of EUR 50 million on behalf of the European Union for the macro-financial assistance loan to the Republic of Moldova
  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION on the release by the European Union of macro-financial assistance to the Republic of Moldova
  • BIS announces Secretary General and Innovation Hub leadership appointments
  • The BIS Annual Economic Report 2024
  • Post-turmoil bank failure management: some reflections – BIS management speeches
  • Basel Committee consults on principles for the sound management of third-party risk
  • Principles for the sound management of third-party risk – BIS Consultative Document
  • Sovereign green bonds: a catalyst for sustainable debt market development?
  • The gen AI gender gap
  • Capital buffers and the micro-macro nexus
  • Fabio Panetta: Banks and the economy – credit, regulation and growth
  • Frank Elderson: Embedding a strong data culture in supervision – another stepping stone towards effective supervision
  • Sharon Donnery: Financial Literacy – empowering consumers to protect their financial future
  • Piero Cipollone: Artificial intelligence – a central bank’s view
  • John C Williams: Managing the known unknowns
  • Digital payments, informality and economic growth
  • IMF Working Paper No. 2024/145 : Balancing Environmental, Fiscal, and Welfare Impacts of Transportation Decarbonization in France
  • IMF Working Paper No. 2024/149 : Distributional Impacts of Heterogenous Carbon Prices in the EU
  • IMF Working Paper No. 2024/144 : Climate Transition Risk and Financial Stability in France
  • IMF Working Paper No. 2024/146 : Stepping Up Venture Capital to Finance Innovation in Europe
  • IMF Working Paper No. 2024/153 : Greenflation or Greensulation? The Case of Fuel Excise Taxes and Oil Price Pass-through
  • IMF Working Paper No. 2024/142 : Bank Profitability in Europe: Not Here to Stay
  • IMF Working Paper No. 2024/143 : Bank Profits and Bank Taxes in the EU
  • IMF Working Paper No. 2024/140 : A Semi-Structural Model for Credit Cycle and Policy Analysis – An Application for Luxembourg
  • IFDP Paper: Exchange Rate Disconnect and the Trade Balance – FRB


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