Mon. Sep 16th, 2024
euro, money, currency
Insight EU Finance Monitoring. Photo by geralt on Pixabay
  • ECB Monetary policy decisions – 18 July 2024
  • Press Conference by Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB, and Luis de Guindos, Vice-President of the ECB
  • Decisions taken by the Governing Council of the ECB (in addition to decisions setting interest rates) July 2024
  • Euro area monthly balance of payments: May 2024
  • July 2024 euro area bank lending survey
  • Survey on the Access to Finance of Enterprises: moderate tightening in reported financing conditions
  • Main findings from the ECB’s recent contacts with non‑financial companies
  • Results of the ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters for the third quarter of 2024
  • ECB publishes indicative operational calendars for 2025
  • Main results of the Eurogroup, 15 July 2024
  • Eurogroup statement on the fiscal stance for the euro area in 2025
  • Remarks by Paschal Donohoe following the Eurogroup meeting of 15 July 2024
  • Remarks of EU Commissioner Gentiloni at the Eurogroup press conference
  • Main results of the EU Economic and Financial Affairs (Ecofin) Council, 16 July 2024
  • Remarks of EU Commissioner Gentiloni at the Ecofin Council press conference
  • Macroeconomic imbalance procedure: EU Council approves conclusions
  • European Semester 2024: Council agrees on country- specific recommendations
  • Basel Committee publishes final disclosure framework for banks’ cryptoasset exposures and targeted amendments to its cryptoasset standard
  • Klaas Knot: The AI adventure – how artificial intelligence may shape the economy and the financial system
  • Adnan Zaylani Mohamad Zahid: Banking in the era of generative AI
  • Recovery and Resilience fund: Council greenlights Germany’s amended plan that includes a REPowerEU chapter
  • ESAs establish framework to strengthen coordination in case of systemic cyber incidents
  • ESAs published second batch of policy products under DORA
  • ESMA Chair Verena Ross: Opening remarks at public hearing on shortening the settlement cycle
  • ESMA publishes its follow-up report to the Fast Track Peer Review on Wirecard
  • ESMA consults on firms’ order execution policies under MiFID II
  • ESMA publishes 2023 data on cross-border investment activity of firms
  • List of designated authorities, payment systems and securities settlement systems
  • List of Central Counterparties authorised to offer services and activities in the Union
  • Ongoing Consultations by ESMA
  • Call for Evidence on the review of the UCITS Eligible Assets Directive
  • ​​Consultation on the amendments to certain technical standards for commodity derivatives
  • Consultation on MiFIR Review Package (non-equity trade transparency, reasonable commercial basis
  • MiFIR Review Consultation Package (Consolidated Tape Providers and Data Reporting Service Providers) 28 August 2024
  • EBA clarifies the operational application of CRR 3 in the area of credit risk modelling
  • The EBA consults on guidelines on reporting of data to assist authorities in their supervisory duties and significance assessment under MiCAR
  • EBA reflects on EU stacking orders and provides insight into EU institutions’ management buffers
  • ST 11483 2024 INIT – Directive (EU) 2022/2464 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 December 2022 amending Regulation (EU) No 537/2014, Directive 2004/109/EC, Directive 2006/43/EC and Directive 2013/34/EU, as regards corporate sustainability reporting
  • ST 12463 2024 INIT – COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) …/… of 24.6.2024 correcting the Polish language version of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35 supplementing Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and Reinsurance (Solvency II)
  • ST 11721 2024 INIT – Submission by Croatia for formal approval by the Council of a draft design for the national side of euro coins
  • ST 11396 2024 COR 1 Decision of the Council on the approval of draft design for a 2 euro commemorative coin submitted by Estonia
  • ST 11852 2024 INIT – COUNCIL DECISION amending Decision 1999/70/EC concerning the external auditors of the national central banks, as regards the external auditors of the Central Bank of Cyprus
  • ST 11622 2024 INIT – Restrictive measures (Sanctions) – Update of the EU Best Practices for the effective implementation of restrictive measures
  • ST 12082 2024 COR 1 – Draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2025: Council position
  • ST 12138 2024 INIT – Council conclusions on the 2024 in-depth reviews under the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure Council conclusions (16 July 2024)
  • ST 12052 2024 INIT – COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (Economic and Financial Affairs)
  • ST 12186 2024 INIT – List of working papers (WKs) distributed to the ‘Working Party of Financial Counsellors’ community during the Belgian Presidency (1 January to 30 June 2024)
  • ST 12082 2024 ADD 2 – Draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2025: Council position – TECHNICAL ANNEXES = Annex 1: Breakdown by heading for “total expenditure” in the MFF headings = Annex 2: Detail of breakdown by heading for “total expenditure” in the MFF headings = Annex 3: Detailed changes in comparison with the DB 2025 as regards figures by MFF heading = Annex 4: Administrative expenditure
  • ST 12083 2024 INIT – Council Decision adopting the Council’s position on the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2025
  • ST 12082 2024 ADD 1 – Draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2025: Council position Statements
  • ST 12082 2024 INIT – Draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2025: Council position
  • ST 12031 2024 INIT – COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (Economic and Financial Affairs)
  • ST 11674 2024 COR 1 – COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION amending Implementing Decision of 13 July 2021 on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Germany
  • ST 11858 2024 ADD 1 COR 1 ANNEX to the COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION amending Implementing Decision of 13 July 2021 on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Greece
  • ST 11858 2024 COR 1 COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING DECISION amending Implementing Decision of 13 July 2021 on the approval of the assessment of the recovery and resilience plan for Greece
  • ST 11934 2024 INIT – Agreement on the EEA and Norway Financial Mechanisms and the Additional Protocols with Norway and Iceland – Decision to make the statements entered in the Council minutes public
  • ST 11731 2024 INIT – Regulation (EU) 2015/760 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2015 on European long-term investment funds
  • ST 11952 2024 INIT – Ensuring rapid pension protection for persons who have exercised their freedom of movement within the EU – Information from Czechia, supported by Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia
  • ST 12092 2024 INIT – Attendance of the OLAF Supervisory Committee at the meeting of the Working Party on Combating Fraud on 18 July 2024
  • ST 12244 2024 INIT – Draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2025
  • ST 12246 2024 INIT – COMMISSION DECISION of 11.7.2024 amending Implementing Decision C(2023)8728 as regards long-term funding for all new financial assistance programmes
  • Draft agenda – Tuesday, 23 July 2024 – PE762.970v01-00 – Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
  • DRAFT AMENDING BUDGET No 4 TO THE GENERAL BUDGET 2024 Update of revenue (own resources) and adjustments to some decentralised agencies
  • Commission Decision on financial contribution due pursuant to Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014
  • COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) …/… supplementing Regulation (EU) 2015/760 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying when derivatives will be used solely for hedging the risks inherent to other investments of the European long-term investment fund (ELTIF), the requirements for an ELTIF’s redemption policy and liquidity management tools, the circumstances for the matching of transfer requests of units or shares of the ELTIF, certain criteria for the disposal of ELTIF assets, and certain elements of the costs disclosure
  • COMMUNICATION TO THE COMMISSION COMMUNICATION FROM COMMISSIONER GENTILONI TO THE COMMISSION IN AGREEMENT WITH EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT DOMBROVSKIS on the positive preliminary assessment of the first payment request of the Kingdom of the Netherlands pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2021/241
  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION on the authorisation of the disbursement of the fourth instalment of the non-repayable support for Spain
  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION on the partial suspension of the disbursement of the fourth instalment of the non-repayable support for Spain
  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION on the authorisation of the disbursement of the fourth instalment of the loan support for Greece
  • COMMISSION OPINION in accordance with Article 19 of the Statute of the European Investment Bank
  • COMMISSION OPINION in accordance with Article 19 of the Statute of the European Investment Bank
  • COMMISSION OPINION in accordance with Article 19 of the Statute of the European Investment Bank
  • Innovations in global payment systems and the role of the BIS
  • An integrated approach to a safer and more resilient banking system
  • Modern central banking and lessons learned from monetary policy in the 21st century
  • Modern central banking and lessons learned from monetary policy in the 21st century
  • Klaas Knot: Acta, non verba – interlinking fast payment systems to enhance cross-border payments
  • Michelle W Bowman: Promoting an inclusive financial system
  • Sabine Mauderer: Green transition in Germany – short-term needs and long-term opportunities
  • Recalibration of shocks for interest rate risk in the banking book
  • 4th IFC Workshop on Data Science in Central Banking
  • BIS Research Papers
  • Heterogeneity in Household Inflation Expectations: Policy Implications
  • An Empirical Analysis of the Cost of Borrowing
  • Untapped Potential: Mobile Device Ownership and Mobile Payments in Canada
  • House Prices and International Remittances: Evidence from Colombia
  • New spare tires: local currency credit as a global shock absorber
  • Sovereign green bonds: a catalyst for sustainable debt market development?
  • The gen AI gender gap
  • Managing the inflation-output trade-off with public debt portfolios
  • CRE Redevelopment Options and the Use of Mortgage Financing
  • Institutional Investors, Rents, and Neighborhood Change in the Single Family Residential Market
  • When Is the Use of Gaussian-inverse Wishart-Haar Priors Appropriate?
  • Nowcasting Quarterly GDP Growth during the COVID-19 Crisis Using a Monthly Activity Indicator
  • Untapped Potential: Mobile Device Ownership and Mobile Payments in Canada
  • Sovereign uncertainty
  • Digital payments, informality and economic growth
  • The asymmetric and persistent effects of Fed policy on global bond yields
  • Quantitative Easing and Inequality
  • (Un-)sustainable Investment
  • On Commercial Construction Activity’s Long and Variable Lags
  • Sovereign Debt Restructuring and Credit Recovery
  • Germany: 2024 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Germany
  • Germany: Selected Issues
  • United States: 2024 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the United States
  • Canada: 2024 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; and Staff Report
  • Iceland: 2024 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; and Staff Report
  • Iceland: Selected Issues
  • Republic of Moldova: Technical Assistance Report-Design Considerations for a New Bank Liquidation Framework
  • Gender Diversity and Corporate Resilience to Climate Change: Evidence from Greenfield Investments
  • Minimum Wages, Inequality, and the Informal Sector
  • Deciphering Delphic Guidance: The Bank of England and Brexit
  • The Global Financial Cycle: Quantities versus Prices
  • The Green Future: Labor Market Implications for Men and Women
  • Policy Options for Climate Mitigation: Emissions Trading Schemes in Asia-Pacific
  • Climate Change Challenges and Opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean
  • U.S. Regulators issue final rule to help ensure credibility and integrity of automated valuation models

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