Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
euro, money, currency
Insight EU Finance Monitoring. Photo by geralt on Pixabay
  • Consolidated financial statement of the Eurosystem
  • Further pubications by the ECB
  • What shapes spillovers from monetary policy shocks in the United States to emerging market economies?
  • Geopolitical risk shocks: when the size matters
  • Macro uncertainty, unemployment risk, and consumption dynamics
  • The not-so-hidden risks of ‘hidden-to-maturity’ accounting: on depositor runs and bank resilience
  • Climate risk, bank lending and monetary policy
  • Wie realistisch ist der Gesetzesvorschlag zum digitalen Euro? Studie unterzieht Ideen einem Praxischeck
  • The EBA publishes results from its first fact finding exercise on creditworthiness assessment practices of non-bank lenders
  • ESMA publishes latest edition of its newsletter
  • Double Volume Cap Mechanism
  • Net short position notification thresholds for sovereign issuers
  • Updated list of open ESMA Consultations
  • Solvency II: EIOPA consults on new proportionality regime
  • EIOPA publishes monthly technical information for Solvency II Relevant Risk-Free Interest Rate Term Structures – end-July 2024
  • Monthly update of the symmetric adjustment of the equity capital charge for Solvency II – end-July 2024
  • ESAs’ Joint Board of Appeal dismisses appeal by Euroins Insurance Group AD against the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
  • ST 12731 2024 INIT – Transmission of the Decision (EU) 2024/XX of the European Central Bank of 3 July 2024 amending Decision ECB/2004/2 adopting the Rules of Procedure of the European Central Bank (ECB/2024/18) – E-mail IM 9204 2024
  • ST 12733 2024 INIT – Letter addressed to Mr. Mihâly Varga informing of some recent amendments to the European Central Bank’s Rules of Procedure – CL/LS/24/123 – E-mail IM 9203 2024
  • ST 9729 2022 REV 2 EXT 1 – Information Assurance Security Guidelines on the Management of EU crypto material and COMSEC items
  • ST 12707 2024 INIT – Letter from Latvia to President-elect of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen suggesting Mr Valdis Dombrovskis as Member of the Commission
  • ST 12563 2024 INIT – Decision of the Council on the approval of draft design for a 2 euro commemorative coin submitted by Slovenia
  • ST 12687 2024 INIT – Submission by Germany for formal approval by the Council of draft design for 2 euro commemorative coin
  • ST 12562 2024 INIT – Submission by Slovenia for formal approval by the Council of draft design for 2 euro commemorative coin
  • ST 12731 2024 REV 1 – Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank Therese Blanchet, Secretary General of the Council
  • ST 12733 2024 REV 1 – Mihâly Varga, President of the ECOFIN Council Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank
  • COMMISSION OPINION in accordance with Article 19 of the Statute of the European Investment Bank
  • COMMUNICATION TO THE COMMISSION relating to draft Commission Notice on the interpretation of certain legal provisions in Directive 2013/34/EU (Accounting Directive), Directive 2006/43/EC (Audit Directive), Regulation (EU) No 537/2014 (Audit Regulation), Directive 2004/109/EC (Transparency Directive), Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/2772 (first set of European Sustainability Reporting Standards “first ESRS delegated act”), and Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation “SFDR”) as regards sustainability reporting
  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) …/… laying down technical information for the calculation of technical provisions and basic own funds for reporting with reference dates from 30 June 2024 until 29 September 2024 in accordance with Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the taking-up and pursuit of the business of Insurance and Reinsurance
  • Norhana Endut: Keynote address – 13th Association of Financial Advisers Annual Conference 2024
  • Kamau Thugge: Launch of the Chora Plan Financial Literacy Campaign
  • Aleš Michl: Current fight against inflation, the course of the liquidation of Sberbank and the financial performance of the Czech National Bank
  • Yannis Stournaras: The role of the ECB monetary policy in achieving a soft landing in the euro area
  • Margarita Delgado: Ten years of the Single Supervisory Mechanism – key aspects of modern banking supervision
  • Sharon Donnery: Banking – past, present and future
  • BIS research papers
  • Growth-at-risk for macroprudential policy stance assessment: a survey
  • LASH risk and interest rates
  • Nonlinear Binscatter Methods
  • The euro area business cycle and its drivers
  • The effects of macroprudential policy announcements on systemic risk
  • Controls, not shocks: estimating dynamic causal effects in macroeconomics
  • Forecast accuracy and efficiency at the Bank of England – and how errors can be leveraged to do better
  • Human capital ladders, cyclical sorting, and hysteresis
  • The heterogeneous effects of carbon pricing: macro and micro evidence
  • Dominant currency pricing transition
  • The role of finance for export dynamics: evidence from the UK
  • An approach to cleaning MiFID II corporate bond transaction reports
  • The pass-through to inflation of gas price shocks
  • Financing Private Credit
  • Amap of the euro area financial system
  • Industrial Composition of Syndicated Loans and Banks’ Climate Commitments
  • Working Paper No. 2024/170 : ECB Spillovers to Emerging Europe: The Past and Current Experience
  • Working Paper No. 2024/172 : Okun in the Euro: New Evidence from Structural Okun Law’s Estimates for the Euro Area, 1979-2019
  • Working Paper No. 2024/173 : The Role of IMF Arrangements in Restoring Access to International Capital Markets
  • Emerging Markets Show Resilience Despite Global Monetary Tightening
  • Overview of IMF publications
  • Working Paper No. 2024/174 : Fiscal R-Star: Fiscal-Monetary Tensions and Implications for Policy

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