Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
vault, bank, money
How to make sure to recover misspent EU funds? Photo by 21967857 on Pixabay
  • EU Commission proposes new initiatives to strengthen economic security
  • EU Commission Memo on European Economic Security
  • Statement by Executive Vice President M. Vestager on the European Economic Security Package
  • Opening remarks of Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis on the European Economic Security package
  • Military mobility: The European Union supports strategic investments on dual-use transport infrastructure with EUR 807 million
  • Bundesminister Habeck begrüßt neues Paket der Europäischen Kommission zur Wirtschaftssicherheit
  • Businesseurope on Economic Security: Business welcomes clarity and further debate
  • Eurocommerce: Economic Security Package: EuroCommerce asks for cautious approach to guard the competitiveness of businesses in Europe
  • BDI zur EU-Strategie für Wirtschaftssicherheit: Mehr Balance zwischen wirtschaftlicher Offenheit und Verbesserung unserer Defensivinstrumente
  • EP Committee greenlights stronger political and economic ties with Chile
  • New Genomic Techniques: MEPs want to ban all patents for NGT plants
  • EVP/CDU zu neuen genomischen Techniken
  • Europa-SPD zu Gentechniken: Entscheidung gegen Verbraucherschutz und Risikovorsorge
  • Die Grünen/EFA: Abstimmung im Umweltausschuss katastrophal für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz
  • MEPs approve extended protection for medicinal and plant protection products
  • Technical Support Instrument supports reforms to improve young people’s mental health and wellbeing
  • Remarks via pre-recorded message by Commissioner Stella Kyriakides at the World Organisation for Animal Health Centenary Event by the Belgian Presidency
  • Latest ECHA Weekly published
  • Annual report of the EFSA Plant Pest Surveillance Network 2023
  • Update of the risk assessment of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in food
  • CM 1227 2024 REV 1 Working Party on the Environment
  • CM 1382 2024 INIT Working Party on Genetic Resources and Innovation in Agriculture (Seeds, Propagating and Planting Materials)
  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION (EU) …/… on the harmonised standards for inspection of pesticide application equipment in use drafted in support of Directive 2009/128/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
  • WHITE PAPER On options for enhancing support for research and development involving technologies with dual-use potential
  • COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) …/… amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for indoxacarb in or on certain products
  • COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) …/… amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the title of the food categories of alcoholic beverages and the use of several additives in certain alcoholic beverages



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