Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
  • Industrial emissions: EU Commission calls on CYPRUS to fully transpose the Medium Combustion Plants Directive
  • EEA: Industrial Reporting under the Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU and European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Regulation (EC) No 166/2006
  • Protecting workers from cancer-causing chemicals: Commission proceeds with infringement case against SPAIN
  • EU Commission calls on THE NETHERLANDS to clarify national legislation on access to justice for environmental damage
  • Environmental Impact Assessment: Commission calls on SPAIN to remedy the harmful effects of a hotel complex on the environment
  • Waterbase – UWWTD: Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive – reported data
  • Air quality: Commission calls on CROATIA to protect its population against air pollution
  • Nature protection: Commission calls on PORTUGAL to complete the Natura 2000 network
  • Nature: Commission calls on SLOVENIA to designate marine special protection areas
  • Latest headlines on Renewable Carbon
  • Many advanced and proven solutions to replace fossil carbon in chemistry and materials already available
  • Viele fortschrittliche und bewährte Lösungen zur Substitution fossilen Kohlenstoffs in Chemie und Materialien bereits verfügbar
  • Kraft Heinz Explores the Ketchup Bottle of Tomorrow
  • Kooperation mit Pulpex: Kraft Heinz will Ketchup in der Papierflasche auf den Markt bringen
  • New EU laws risk promoting ‘downcycling’ of plastic bottles, industry warns
  • Neues EU-Gesetz droht Kreislauf des Plastikflaschen-Recycling zu brechen
  • Nextleaf inks deal with hemp concrete producer
  • Caffe Inc. signs contract for €4 Million to build recycling plant for coffee waste in Amsterdam
  • Breakthrough for cows: NovoNutrients achieves “beef-quality” protein from CO2 instead of cattle
  • Perpetual Resources readies environmental submissions for Beharra silica sands project
  • Metallica Minerals boss: Australia needs 10 more Cape Flattery silica sand projects
  • NASA is suspending all but the most urgent spacewalks after water was found in an astronaut’s helmet following a previous excursion.
  • Asia Pacific Colloidal Silica Market Forecast to 2028 – COVID-19 Impact and Regional Analysis – by Product Type and Application
  • Sodium Silicate Market : Key Players, Applications, Outlook, SWOT Analysis And Forecast to 2029
  • Commissioners Reconsider Action After Hearing More On Silica
  • Chromatographic Silica Resin Market See Incredible Growth 2022-2028 | W.R. Grace and Company, Osaka Soda Co. Ltd., Alfa Aesar, Merck KGaA
  • Authorities confident silica mining off Kudat has minimal environmental impact
  • 22nd meeting of the EFSA Network on Microbiological Risk Assessment
  • 12th specific meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance data reporting, Scientific Network for Zoonoses Monitoring Data
  • GP/EFSA/KNOW/2022/02 – The European Foodome project
  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION terminating the procedure for authorising the placing on the market of cannabidiol (CBD) oil as a novel food without updating the Union list of novel foods

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