Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
  • Transport and Energy Ministers on the 55% emission reductions by 2030
  • Trans-European energy infrastructure, roaming, research and 2030 Digital Decade – Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
  • EU to strengthen energy connectivity in Central and South Eastern Europe
  • The EHSP launches two new documents for Safety Planning and Management in EU hydrogen and fuel cell projects
  • Concurrences Webinar “Hydrogen: Cooperation & State Aid”
  • ENTSO-E at the EU Sustainable Energy Week 2021
  • Eurelectric: Tariff study – pricing to support the transition
  • Energy Community Secretariat supports trans-regional cooperation on development of integrated SEEGAS market
  • Reported information on large combustion plants under the Energy Community Treaty 2006/500/EC
  • ST 11997 2021 INIT REGULATORY SCRUTINY BOARD OPINION Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels in maritime transport
  • ST 11996 2021 INIT REGULATORY SCRUTINY BOARD OPINION Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on ensuring a level playing field for sustainable air transport
  • CM 4547 2021 INIT Consultation of the European Economic and Social Committee by the Council Consultation of the European Committee of the Regions by the Council Consultation of the European Parliament by the Council on a proposal for a Council Directive restructuring the Union framework for the taxation of energy products and electricity (recast) [ref. 2021/0213 (CNS) – COM(2021) 563 final – 10872/21 + ADD1-7]
  • ST 10958 2021 REV 1 Voting result Council Decision amending Decision 2003/77/EC laying down multiannual financial guidelines for managing the assets of the ECSC in liquidation and, on completion of the liquidation, the Assets of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel Adoption 3809th meeting of the COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (Agriculture and Fisheries) 19 July 2021, Brussels

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