Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
  • MEPs back urgency procedure to refill gas reserves before next winter
  • Energy security of supply: EU Commission calls on Bulgaria and Greece to submit their electricity risk preparedness plans
  • EU Commission’s Technical Support Instrument to help 17 Member States curb their reliance on Russian fossil fuels
  • EU Sanctions must include a ban on coal, oil and gas from Russia, says S&D leader Iratxe García
  • ECR: Putin counted on typical European hesitance
  • BDI zum angekündigten Importverbot für russische Kohle: Gräueltaten verlangen nach entschiedener Reaktion
  • Fuest (ifo Institut): Alternativen zu russischem Gas verfügbar machen
  • Situationsbericht Lage der Gasversorgung in Deutschland (Stand 06.04.22)
  • DIW: EZB vor Dilemma: Zinserhöhung würde Energiepreise senken, aber Wirtschaft belasten
  • Internal energy market: Commission urges GERMANY and SWEDEN to transpose the Directive on common rules for the internal market in the electricity sector
  • Nordic Energy Challenge 2022: Energy in the Arctic
  • Nordic Electricity Market Forum 2022
  • EU Commission urges ESTONIA to transpose the revised Renewable Energy Directive
  • Wind Europe: Without grid enhancements Europe won’t reach its climate goals
  • Wind Europe: Governments, industry and TSOs join forces to fast forward offshore wind
  • Energy efficiency: Commission urges FINLAND, LATVIA, MALTA, POLAND and SWEDEN to transpose the amending Energy Efficiency Directive
  • Energy performance of buildings: Commission urges CROATIA, SPAIN and LUXEMBOURG to transpose the amending Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
  • Basic safety standards: Commission decides to refer PORTUGAL to the Court of Justice of the European Union on EU radiation protection legislation
  • Update 44 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
  • What role can hydrogen play in the Electric Decade?
  • Latest Hydrogen headlines
    • UK backs hydrogen technologies with £400 million awarded to Johnson Matthey
    • IPCC report | ‘Hydrogen needed for net zero, but only where electric solutions not feasible’
    • Nobian and GIG Close Deal on Green Hydrogen Company HyCC
    • NTPC, Gujarat Gas pact for hydrogen blending of PNG
    • Green Energy Oman picks Worley to support green hydrogen project
    • Oil sands company Suncor Energy strengthens its focus on hydrogen and renewable fuels, divesting wind and solar
    • Kent and CGG Announce Strategic Carbon Capture and Hydrogen Partnership to Accelerate Global Decarbonisation
    • Hydrogen key to long-term use of platinum, says SFA Oxford’s Forrest
  • Habeck: „Das Osterpaket ist der Beschleuniger für die erneuerbaren Energien“
  • Özdemir: Osterpaket macht Landwirtschaft zum Treiber der Energiewende und stärkt die Wertschöpfung im ländlichen Raum
  • Mehr Flächen für Windenergie an Land – Einigung zur besseren Vereinbarkeit von Funknavigation und Wetterradar mit der Windenergienutzung an Land erzielt
  • BDI zum Energie-Osterpaket: Es kommt zur richtigen Zeit
  • VKU zum Osterpaket der Bundesregierung
  • VKU zur Bundestagsanhörung zur Absenkung der EEG-Umlage
  • BDEW-Statement zum Osterpaket
  • Marktoffensive Erneuerbare Energien: EEG-Novelle verschenkt trotz hoher Ambitionen wichtige Potenziale nachfragegetriebener Geschäftsmodelle
  • Ein neuer Anfang ist gemacht – dena-Statement zur heutigen Vorlage des Osterpakets im Bundeskabinett
  • Germanwatch zum Osterpaket: Befreiungsschlag für Erneuerbare Energien – doch für echten Klima-Aufbruch müssen noch Schritte folgen
  • COMMISSION DECISION establishing the composition and the operational provisions of setting up the Commission Energy Poverty and Vulnerable Consumers Coordination Group
  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) /… imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty and definitively collecting the provisional duty imposed on imports of certain graphite electrode systems originating in the People’s Republic of China

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