Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
  • Statement on International Public Support for the Clean Energy Transition – UN
  • Focus of Energy Transition Council (ETC) – UN
  • EU Commissioner Simson at opening of the COP26 Energy Day
  • Clean energy technologies need a major boost to keep net zero by 2050 within reach – IEA
  • Electricity wholesale markets monitoring in 2020: further action needed on the binding 70% target, market coupling, barriers and security of supply
  • SynErgie: So könnte die Industrie ihre Stromnachfrage zukünftig flexibilisieren
  • Eurelectric: Flexibility – the enabler for a clean energy future?
  • Energy Community Contracting Parties complete the 2020 pan-European electricity market monitoring report
  • Climate Tracker Initiative: End of Coal in Sight as UK Secures Ambitious Commitment at COP26
  • Germanwatch: Großer Schritt zum Ende der internationalen Öl- und Gasfinanzierung
  • REN21 Policy Brief: A smooth ride to renewable energy – 7 actions for public transport to address emissions and air pollution
  • European wind industry reinforces sustainability commitments
  • Germanwatch: Sechs Anforderungen für den naturverträglichen Ausbau von Offshore-Windenergie
  • What are Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)?
  • IAEA Safety Mission Sees Significant Improvement by Russia’s Rosenergoatom, Encourages Continued Improvement
  • IAEA Concludes Long Term Operational Safety Review at the Armenian Nuclear Power Plant
  • End of coal in sight at COP26
  • Global Coal to Clean Power Transition Statement
  • Initiative for coal regions in transition in the Western Balkans and Ukraine
  • UK government and IEA spearhead largest ever global initiative to make products more energy efficient
  • REACT-EU: €50 million to support health, SMEs and energy efficiency in three Polish regions
  • Altmaier: „Windaktionsprogramm hat Ausbau der Windenergie an Land wieder angekurbelt“.
  • CM 5069 2021 REV 1 Informal videoconference of the members of the Working Party on Energy
  • CM 5099 2021 REV 1 Informal videoconference of the members of the Working Party on Atomic Questions

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