Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
pylon, sky, electricity
Power pylon. Photo by presence on Pixabay
  • IEA Policy Forum in Lithuania showcases the energy security and climate benefits of renewable heat
  • IEA: Raising public awareness of energy efficiency for a people-centered clean energy transition in Africa
  • ACER consultation is open: Methodology for electricity intraday capacity calculation in the Core region
  • ENTSO-E and ENTSOG launch a public consultation on TYNDP 2024 Scenarios Input Parameters and announce stakeholder roundtables
  • CEER consults on the draft 2024 Work Programme
  • Upcoming events organized by CEER
  • Cross-Border Dialogue Working Group established between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, to discuss Buk Bijela HPP
  • EEX-Börsenrat begrüßt Erweiterung der Produkte für den nordischen Strommarkt
  • IAEA Finds Japan’s Plans to Release Treated Water into the Sea at Fukushima Consistent with International Safety Standards
  • BDEW veröffentlicht Bausteine für das Marktdesign des Wasserstoffhochlaufs
  • Latest hydrogen industries’ headlines
  • Australia’s Hydrogen Hype Bubble Starting to Leak
  • SSAB and Fortum explore possibilities for the production of hydrogen-reduced sponge iron in Raahe
  • Deloitte forecasts clean hydrogen market to hit US$1.4T per year by 2050
  • Businesses join forces to accelerate the roll out of green hydrogen
  • Torrent forays into green hydrogen with Gorakhpur pilot project
  • Sinopec Xinjiang Kuqa green hydrogen pilot project enters operation
  • Port of Rotterdam and Tasmania investigate green hydrogen potential
  • Subsea 7 and EnBW Join Forces to Explore Offshore Wind-Powered Hydrogen Production
  • Spain Risking Billions to Export Green Hydrogen
  • Subsea 7 and EnBW eye wind-to-hydrogen projects
  • What is green hydrogen?
  • Air Liquide becomes Official Supporter in hydrogen with Paris 2024 Olympics
  • EIB Group, ICO and BBVA sign agreements to provide €1.26 billion in new financing to support SMEs and boost energy efficiency
  • Update 170 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
  • Cross-Border Dialogue Working Group established between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, to discuss Buk Bijela HPP
  • Bundestag: WD 3 – 059/23 Klimaschutz als Aspekt des Straßenverkehrsrechts. Kompetenzrechtliche Betrachtung
  • Union erkundigt sich nach Energie- und Klimaplänen
  • COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) /… amending Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2402 as regards the review of harmonised efficiency reference values for separate production of electricity and heat in application of Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council


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