Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
  • Remarks by Commissioner Simson following the Informal Energy and Transport Council meeting
  • High-level meeting of the Clean Energy Industry Forum
  • Offshore energy safety: EU Commission calls on POLAND and ROMANIA to correctly transpose, implement and apply EU rules on safety of offshore oil and gas operations
  • Digitalisation for Flexible and Resilient Energy Systems: Launch of Call for Proposals
  • EuroBat position paper on Batteries Regulation: Producer definition for batteries incorporated in vehicles or appliances: clarity needed!
  • A single regulatory framework governing EU-Contracting Party interconnection points key to remedy insufficient market integration, highlights Energy Community Gas Forum 2021
  • Eurelectric publications of the month
  • Consultation response on due process concerning sustainability reporting
  • Response to ENTSO-E consultation on defining minimum activation period
  • Response to Action Plan feedback on digitalisation
  • Join letter on investment in distribution and hydropower in Ukraine
  • Response to ECOSTAT consultation on ecological potential
  • Electrification Alliance open letter to the Commission on electricity prices
  • OPEC Secretary General visits the Emirate of Fujairah, meets its Ruler
  • Latest publications by the Energy’s Charter
  • EIRA Monitoring Report 2020 – BELARUS
  • EIRA Monitoring Report 2020 – ARMENIA
  • CAN Europe: The impossible path to Energy Charter Treaty reform
  • Radioactive waste: EU Commission calls on GERMANY and LATVIA to adopt a national programme for radioactive waste management compliant with EU rules
  • Bund übernimmt Entsorgung für bestrahlte Brennelemente aus ehemaligem Forschungsreaktor Dresden-Rossendorf
  • Wind industry & Government commit to boosting offshore wind and jobs in Poland

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