Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
gas, gas pipeline, gas industry
Gas threatening to set the world on fire. Photo by geralt on Pixabay
  • G7 foreign ministers on energy security
  • UNCTAD: Massive disruptions in the global energy market are undermining governments and people’s ability to cope
  • Germany: EU Commission Approves €2.98bn To Promote Green District Heating
  • BMWK: Grünes Licht für grüne Fernwärme: Europäische Kommission genehmigt Förderprogramm zur Dekarbonisierung von Wärmenetzen
  • REMIT News: the latest REMIT Quarterly is online!
  • EDSO: CoordiNet – INTERRFACE Recommendations Towards Harmonized European Flexibilities Markets
  • Latest Hydrogen headlines
    • Glosten to design new California coastal hybrid-hydrogen research vessel
    • Hydrogen Vehicles in Service to Exceed 1 Million Globally by 2027
    • Hydrogen leakage ‘could reduce climate benefits of green H2 by about 80%’: EDF study
    • Aurora Hydrogen raises $10M, but will its process decarbonize or facilitate tar sand exploitation?
    • Doral strikes green hydrogen equipment deal
    • ‘World’s cheapest green hydrogen’ | Start-up with ultra-efficient electrolyser to develop pilot factory after securing $29m
    • Govt prepares draft Hydrogen Mission document
    • Microsoft to deploy hydrogen fuel cell system that could replace diesel-powered data center generators
  • BDEW zur Bundesförderung für effiziente Wärmenetze:  Energiewirtschaft steht in den Startlöchern, um verstärkt in grüne Fernwärme zu investieren
  • Bundesnetzagentur: Situationsbericht Lage der Gasversorgung in Deutschland (Stand 02.08.22; 13 Uhr)

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