Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
EU Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson at the EU Energy Council. Source: EU Commission
    • Reform of electricity market design: EU Council reaches agreement
    • BMWK: EU-Mitgliedstaaten einigen sich auf gezielte Reformen des Strommarktes in Europa
    • DIW: Karsten Neuhoff: „Reform des europäischen Strommarktes nimmt endlich Formen an – Differenzverträge sind Instrument der Stunde“.
    • EU-Rat will sich zur Reform des EU-Strommarktes positionieren: VKU gegen Erlösabschöpfung
    • Main results of the EU Energy Council on 17 October 2023
    • Remarks by EU Commissioner Simson at the press conference following the EU Energy Council
    • IEA: Lack of ambition and attention risks making electricity grids the weak link in clean energy transitions
    • ACER to review the market rules regulating gas transmission capacity allocation in Europe
    • ENTSOG publishes its Winter Supply Outlook 2023/24 (with Summer 2024 Overview) and Winter Supply Review 2022/23
    • CEER: Empowering Azerbaijan’s Energy Authorities: EU Boosts Capacity Building for Efficient Tariff Setting and Energy Efficiency Measures
    • The Energy Community Secretariat reports to the Berlin Process Summit on Energy Security and Green Transition
    • Retirement and support packages for older workers in the EU coal sector: a briefing paper on European cases – START Technical assistance
    • New IAEA Initiative to Enhance Fusion Energy Collaboration
    • Latest hydrogen industry’s headlines
    • DOE Awards Midwest Hydrogen Hub Alliance up to $1B
    • Groups blast fossil fuel focus of DOE hydrogen hub selections
    • 7 Hubs Will Share $7 Billion: DOE Announces Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs
    • Phoenix Hydrogen Hub Takes a Step Forward With Plug Power
    • Hydrogen Is Our Best Bet To Decarbonize Heavy Industry, U.S. Energy Secretary Says
    • DOE selects 7 hydrogen hubs for $7B funding opportunity
    • Biden’s hydrogen program could rake in $40 billion in private investment. But to what end?
    • MIT scientists develop concentrated solar power system to produce hydrogen
    • CMA launches probe into marketing of boilers as ‘hydrogen-blend ready’
    • Linde LienHwa overcomes hydrogen challenges in Taiwan
    • Port of Oakland receives US$1.2 billion funding for hydrogen projects
    • DOE Hydrogen Hubs Decision Funds Fossil Fuels, But 45V Tax Credit Can Right The Ship
    • Ambitious Coalition Launches To Enable First Clean Hydrogen Shipment Across Atlantic By 2026
    • Fueling the Future With Biden-Harris’ Clean Hydrogen Hubs
    • Will Biden’s new ‘clean’ hydrogen hubs actually be clean?
    • New coalition to pave the way for first cross-Atlantic clean hydrogen shipment by 2026
    • DOE invests $7B in seven Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs
    • Sweden donates EUR 26 million to support Moldova’s energy supply and energy efficiency
    • 523/23 | 9. Sektorgutachten der Monopolkommission gemäß § 62 des Energiewirtschaftsgesetzes Energie 2023: Mit Wettbewerb aus der Energiekrise | 17. Oktober 2023
    • BDEW Zahl der Woche: 47 Mal reicht das deutsche Stromnetz um die Erde
    • ST 14084 2023 INIT – Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulations (EU) 2019/943 and (EU) 2019/942 as well as Directives (EU) 2018/2001 and (EU) 2019/944 to improve the Union’s electricity market design – General approach
    • ST 14265 2023 INIT – Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be adopted, on behalf of the European Union, within the EEA Joint Committee concerning an amendment to Annex IV (Energy) to the EEA Agreement (EPBD: comparative methodology framework)
    • ST 14265 2023 ADD 1 – ANNEX to the Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be adopted, on behalf of the European Union, within the EEA Joint Committee concerning an amendment to Annex IV (Energy) to the EEA Agreement (EPBD: comparative methodology framework)
    • ST 14234 2023 INIT – European Court of Auditors’ Special Report No 18/2023 entitled “EU climate and energy targets: 2020 targets achieved, but little indication that actions to reach the 2030 targets will be sufficient” Council conclusions
    • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION granting derogations to certain Member States as regards the provision of statistics pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on energy statistics
    • Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be adopted, on behalf of the European Union, within the EEA Joint Committee concerning an amendment to Annex IV (Energy) to the EEA Agreement (EPBD: comparative methodology framework)


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