Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
  • H2Poland – Central European Hydrogen Technology Forum
  • Opening speech by President von der Leyen at the “H2Poland” Central European Hydrogen Technology Forum
  • GIE: Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Package: Boosting the EU H2 economy with the right regulatory framework
  • Narrative on the Hydrogen and Gas Market Decarbonisation Package – GIE
  • BP and Linde launch carbon capture project to produce low-carbon hydrogen on the Gulf Coast
  • Latest headlines on hydrogen developments
    • Hydrogen Likely to Be Next Fuel for Trucking, Panelists Say
    • Law firm drawing on giga-scale hydrogen project experience to derisk new ventures
    • Pine Gate places order for 2.4 GWh of nickel-hydrogen energy storage
    • Sif, GE kick off offshore green hydrogen study
    • Cummins unveils 15L hydrogen engine
  • Energy Community Parliamentary Plenum debates energy security amidst Russian invasion of Ukraine
  • IEA: Southeast Asian nations face growing energy security challenges and need to accelerate their clean energy transitions
  • Deputy Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan Meets with Secretary-General Lentz – Energy Charter
  • EU Commission launches EPREL database to help consumers on energy efficient products
  • Klares Votum des Umweltausschusses: Holz nicht verbrennen, sondern nachhaltig nutzen! – Die Grünen/EFA
  • Join the ACER – ENTSOG workshop on the FUNC issue: how to ensure greater flexibility to book firm capacity at interconnection points
  • Habeck legt Arbeitsplan Energieeffizienz vor – Energiesparen für mehr Unabhängigkeit
  • Habeck zu Gesprächen in Thüringen: erneuerbare Energien im Fokus
  • EEG-Novelle: Ingbert Liebing bei Anhörung im Bundestag
  • Kerstin Andreae zur Anhörung zum EEG und zum WindSee-Gesetz
  • Bundesnetzagentur: Situationsbericht Lage der Gasversorgung in Deutschland (Stand 17.05.22)
  • COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION (EU) …/… amending Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/1202 as regards harmonised standards for nozzle, test requirements and dimensions used for the automotive LPG filling system for light and heavy duty vehicles, and for explosion suppression systems

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