Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
  • La commissaire Simson en Suède pour promouvoir les technologies propres et discuter de la politique énergétique
  • Judgment in Joined Cases T-684/19 and T-704/19 MEKH and FGSZ v ACER
  • Stakeholder consultation on electricity market design: revision of the CACM Regulation
  • Statement by EU Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson on Synchronisation of the Continental European Electricity Grid with Ukraine and Moldova
  • ACER/CEER: Europe’s energy regulators stand with Ukraine in today’s power grid synchronisation with Continental Europe
  • ENTSO-E: Continental Europe successful synchronisation with Ukraine and Moldova power systems
  • EEX and ECC. “The importance of keeping energy markets open in times of turmoil”
  • EFET: Ensuring secure and affordable energy supply without endangering decarbonisation goals: our reaction to the European Commission Communication on REPowerEU
  • World Consumer Day: sustainable options more crucial than ever, says IMCO Chair Anna Cavazzini
  • Participation in 2022 Working Conference on China-Europe Energy Technology Innovation Cooperation
  • Eurobat joins Global Battery Alliance
  • WindEurope strongly supports Belgium’s higher target for offshore wind
  • Mit Drohnenschwarm: DLR misst Strömungsphänomene an Windanlagen
  • Kerstin Andreae (BDEW): „Wir müssen in diesem Jahr den PV-Turbo zünden“
  • Update 23 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
  • EDF signs for 10.25 billion euros of banking facilities
  • Mehr Mittel für Klimaschutz, Energiesicherheit und Pandemiebewältigung- Bundeskabinett beschließt 2. Regierungsentwurf für den Haushalt 2022
  • BMWK: Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Änderung des Energiewirtschaftsrechts im Zusammenhang mit dem Klimaschutz-Sofortprogramm und zu Anpassungen im Recht der Endkundenbelieferung
  • Vizekanzler Habeck besucht Energiepartnerland Norwegen
  • CAN Europe: Energy Charter Treaty ahead of the discussion in the EU Parliament
  • Deutschland und Norwegen vereinbaren Zusammenarbeit für Wasserstoff-Importe
  • Latest hydrogen headlines
    • EIB looking to invest in Hydrogen projects
    • Germany Weighs Norway Hydrogen Pipeline to Avoid Russian Energy
    • Denmark takes first steps towards green hydrogen economy
    • Low Cost Green Hydrogen: The Digest’s 2022 Multi-Slide Guide to Omni Conversion Technologies
    • First Hydrogen’s Green Hydrogen Van to Begin Testing in June
    • Siemens and Bavaria sign hydrogen leasing agreement
    • Australia startup announces renewable hydrogen cost breakthrough
    • Hydrogen May Be the Jet Fuel of the Future
    • ‘Magic molecule?’ | US state trio team to bid for $1bn federal hydrogen hub funds
    • People across UK North West region consulted on the proposed HyNet North West Hydrogen Pipeline
    • Hydrogen Is Booming: 3 Things Investors Need To Know To Reduce Their Risk
    • Brazil’s Pecém Port could get green hydrogen export hub
    • Universal Hydrogen and H3 Dynamics announce hydrogen aviation Partnership
    • Toyota develops storage module for 70 MPa automotive hydrogen tanks; transportation of H2, other applications
    • Confinement Effects of External Fields and Topological Defect on Hydrogen Atom in a Quantum-plasma Environment. (arXiv:2203.08225v1 [physics.plasm-ph])
    • Effect of hydrogen gas on magnetic properties of alloys of ferromagnetic metals with Pd and its application in hydrogen gas sensing. (arXiv:2203.08575v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci])
    • Inelastic processes in strontium-hydrogen collisions and their impact on non-LTE calculations. (arXiv:2203.08629v1 [physics.atom-ph])
    • FlyZero Unveils Final Hydrogen-Powered Airliner Concepts
    • Trace Copper Incorporation Activated Cobalt Layered Double Hydroxide Hierarchy as a Highly Selective Methanol Conversion Electrocatalyst to Realize Energy-Matched Photovoltaic-Electrocatalytic Formate and Hydrogen Co-Production
    • Fed Policymakers Unveil Hydrogen Transportation Bill
    • Gadkari launches India’s first green hydrogen-based fuel cell EV Toyota Mirai; 650 km in one charge
    • Information Collection Request Submitted to OMB for Review and Approval; Comment Request; NESHAP for Source Categories: Generic Maximum Achievable Control Technology Standards for Acetal Resin; Acrylic and Modacrylic Fiber; Hydrogen Fluoride and Polycarbonate Production (Renewal)
    • Bimetallic Cage‐Based Metal‐Organic Frameworks for Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Reaction with Enhanced Activity
    • [ASAP] In Situ Generated Ti3+-Mediated Photocatalytic Methanol Decomposition to Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen on a Rutile TiO2(100) Surface
    • [ASAP] Black Si Photocathode with a Conformal and Amorphous MoSx Catalytic Layer Grown Using Atomic Layer Deposition for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Evolution
    • [ASAP] Priority Occupation of C‑Sites by N‑Confining P‑Implantation in Pyrrodic N-Sites in NCNT@P,N-Mo2C for Highly Efficient Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution
  • ST 7103 2022 REV 1 Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning batteries and waste batteries, repealing Directive 2006/66/EC and amending Regulation (EU) No 2019/1020 – General approach

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