Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
  • The EU Commission is launching the Investors Dialogue on Energy
  • Taxonomy: MEPs to debate classification of gas and nuclear
  • EU Commission: Answer to a written question – Nuclear energy taxonomy
  • IEA: Today’s energy crisis makes supporting clean energy start-ups more important than ever
  • The war in Ukraine and its implications for the EU – Blog post by EU HR Borrell
  • EU Commission: Answer to a written question – Energy shortages in the EU
  • WindEurope CEO on Ukraine and the implications for Europe’s energy policy
  • VCI zu Auswirkungen eines kurzfristigen Importstopps für Öl und Gas
  • EconPol Europe: Stopp russischer Energieimporte könnte Deutschland 3 Prozent der jährlichen Wirtschaftsleistung kosten
  • Public EP Hearing on the Revision of the Third Energy Package for gas – Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
  • Update 19 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
  • Update 20 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
  • Update 21 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
  • EDF: Publication of the decree and orders relating to the additional allocation of 20 TWh of ARENH volumes for 2022: update of the impact on the 2022 EBITDA outlook
  • EU Commission: Answer to a written question – Energy from renewable sources – 2030
  • EU Commission:Answer to a written question – Retroactive measures in the Renewable Energy Directive
  • E.DSO new Policy podcast on Alternative Fuels Infrastructure & DSOs
  • Challenges and opportunities of alternative fuels infrastructure deployment from an energy system perspective, 17 March 2022, Online – roundtable
  • ifo Vortrag Versorgungssicherheit Strom
  • Start der Bewerbungsphase für das RES-Programm: dena und Exportinitiative Energie unterstützen klimafreundliche Energielösungen deutscher Unternehmen
  • EU Commission: Answer to a written question – Italy’s sustainable energy transition plan
  • EU Commission clears the acquisition of Emerge by EDFI ad Masdar
  • Seventh Investor-State Mediator Training – Energy Charter
  • Latest headlines concerning hydrogen
    • Fraunhofer working on optimized methanol reformers to deliver hydrogen
    • Acciona, Enagas inaugurate Spanish hydrogen plant
    • Feasibility study to explore hydrogen’s potential for Mid Wales
    • Fullerene–Graphene Acceptor Drives Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics for Sustainable CdS Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution
    • Electrochemically Reconstructed Cu‐FeOOH/Fe3O4 Catalyst for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution in Alkaline Media
    • Generation of long-lived charges in organic semiconductor heterojunction nanoparticles for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution
    • Not that innocent – ammonium ions boost homogeneous light-driven hydrogen evolution
    • Plasmonic hot-electron assisted phase-transformation in 2D-MoS2 for hydrogen evolution reaction: current status and future perspectives
    • Golden Bay Cement orders two hydrogen trucks
    • SwRI adds capability for testing hydrogen and natural gas blends
    • Magnetoelectric effect in hydrogen harvesting: magnetic field as a trigger of catalytic reactions
    • [ASAP] Two-Dimensional Metal–Organic Framework Acts as a Hydrogen Evolution Cocatalyst for Overall Photocatalytic Water Splitting
    • [ASAP] Hydrogen Storage Performance of Preferentially Oriented Mg/rGO Hybrids
    • H.R. 7065: To require the Secretary of Energy to establish a grant program to support hydrogen-fueled equipment at ports and to conduct a study with the Secretary of Transportation and the Secretary of Homeland Security on the feasibility and safety
  • Newsletters – ITRE Newsletter 2022 – Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

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