Mon. Sep 16th, 2024
Nortvolt production lab. Source: Northvolt
  • IEA Commentary: Unleashing the benefits of data for energy systems
  • IEA workshop: Social Impacts of Clean Energy Policies
  • EU Commission endorses Estonia’s €953 million modified recovery and resilience plan, including a REPowerEU chapter
  • Counteracting the energy crisis: new emergency measures adopted by the EU – Florence School of Regulation
  • ESMA finds high degree of concentration in natural gas derivatives markets
  • EFET response to ACER consultation on the harmonised cross-zonal capacity allocation and RCC sizing and procurement methodology
  • Northvolt’s battery project in Germany takes important steps forward – Federal and State governments plan to support Gigafactory in Heide
  • Electricity Market Design for the Energy Trilemma
  • Update 157 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
  • IAEA Symposium Examines Uranium Production Cycle for Sustainable Nuclear Power
  • 45 Millionen für Erprobung von Wasserstoff in der Luftfahrt
  • Austria’s first green H2 production plant goes live – Hydrogen Europe
  • Latest reports on hydrogen industries
  • University of Malta researchers explore integrating offshore wind, energy storage and hydrogen production
  • Notice: Net Zero Hydrogen Fund strands 1 and 2: Round 2 open to applications
  • Clean Energy Associates Expands into Green Hydrogen
  • Green Hydrogen adoption in India – Opportunities, challenges and the way ahead
  • Carbon capture, hydrogen are the main tools in Biden’s power plan
  • Energy, digitalisation and research: ITRE delegation to Finland
  • Smart Meter-Gesetz final beschlossen: Flächendeckender Einsatz intelligenter Stromzähler kommt
  • Bundesrat billigt Smart-Meter-Gesetz
  • Bundesrat fordert Nachbesserungen am Energieeffizienzgesetz
  • VKU: Bundesrat behandelt richtungsweisende energiepolitische Vorhaben: Gebäudeenergiegesetz, Energieeffizienzgesetz, Preisbremsengesetz und Smart Meter
  • CM 2738 2023 INIT Working Party on Energy
  • ST 9351 2023 INIT REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION Annual Report on the Safety of Offshore Oil and Gas Operations in the European Union for the Year 2021
  • ST 8934 2023 INIT Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on common rules for the internal markets in renewable and natural gases and in hydrogen (recast)
  • ST 8939 2023 INIT Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the internal markets for renewable and natural gases and for hydrogen (recast)
  • REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION Annual Report on the Safety of Offshore Oil and Gas Operations in the European Union for the Year 2021

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