Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
cpu, processor, computer
CPU processor. Photo by TobiasD on Pixabay
  • Antitrust: EU Commission seeks feedback on rules on technology transfer agreements
  • EU-US hold third Joint Technology Competition Policy Dialogue
  • Speech by EU Commission President von der Leyen at the groundbreaking ceremony for a new plant of Infineon Technologies AG
  • EU Commission welcomes political agreement on the European Chips Act
  • EU Parliament on the deal with EU Council regarding the EU Chips Act
  • Chips Act: EU Council position after the deal
  • EPP group: Prevent chips shortage in Europe
  • Europa-CDU zur Trilog-Einigung zum Chips Act
  • S&Ds increased investment for the European strategic autonomy with €3.3bn for microchips “made in the EU”
  • Europa-SPD: Halbleiter-Reboot in der EU kann starten
  • ENISA: Mind the Gap in Standardisation of Cybersecurity for Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial intelligence liability directive [EU Legislation in Progress] – EP Research Service
  • Künstliche Intelligenz: EU muss Verbraucher:innen vor Täuschung und Falschinformationen schützen – vzbv Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband
  • EU Commission proposes more transparency and less red tape for companies to improve business environment in the EU
  • Questions and Answers on digital tools in EU company law
  • Opening remarks by Commissioner Reynders on the proposal for a Directive on upgrading Digital Company Law
  • EU Commission invites the industry to submit proposals to deploy the new EU secure connectivity satellite constellation, IRIS²
  • The ETSI IoT conference 2023 focuses on Green and Digital Transformation
  • New ETSI Standard enables Next Generation Emergency Services Communications
  • ETSI Summit on Sustainability: ICT Standards for a Greener World
  • Access-2-Finance Series: European Cybersecurity Start-Ups and Scale-ups, the Stage to compete in Copenhagen – European Cybersecurity Competence Centre
  • 1,3 milliards d’euros du programme pour une Europe numérique pour contribuer à la transition numérique et à la cybersécurité en Europe
  • How to get funding under the Digital Europe programme
  • European Institute of Innovation and Technology: First partners join Deep Tech Talent Initiative to train 1 million Europeans by 2025
  • Tech organisations in Europe pledge to train over 500,000 deep tech talents with the EIT
  • EU Commission approves French state aid measure to support STMicroelectronics and GlobalFoundries to set up new microchips plant
  • Rede von Bundeskanzler Scholz anlässlich des Spatenstichs zur Infineon Smart Power Fab am 2. Mai 2023
  • Rede von Bundeskanzler Scholz anlässlich der Eröffnung der Hannover Messe am 16. April 2023 in Hannover
  • Erstes deutsches IPCEI-Projekt in der Industrial Cloud startet mit SAP
  • Cybersicherheit gemeinsam gedacht: Das Nationale Koordinierungszentrum für Cybersicherheit
  • Bundestag: Anhörung zum Thema „Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik”
  • Baden-Württemberg startet Innovationsoffensive in den Quantentechnologien – Fraunhofer IAO
  • Standard-Sicherheitscheck für KMU: BSI entwickelt DIN-SPEC
  • Gemeinsame Umfrage von BSI und KPMG in Deutschland zu „Kryptografie und Quantencomputing“
  • Open-source platform simulates wildlife for soft robotics designers – MIT Robotics
  • Drones navigate unseen environments with liquid neural networks – MIT Robotics
  • Auf dem Weg zum Mond: Karlsruher FZI-Robotikteam gewinnt internationalen ESA-Wettbewerb
  • Noémie Jaquier ist eine der KI-Newcomerinnen des Jahres: Informatikerin erhält Auszeichnung für Forschung zum Roboterlernen
  • SWAP-IT: Innovative production architecture for the factory of the future – Fraunhofer
  • Mit Prüftools KI-Systeme vertrauenswürdig und transparent gestalten – Fraunhofer
  • Wireless Industrial Communication – Mehr Sicherheit für Alleinarbeiter – Fraunhofer
  • New Report Offers a Blueprint for Overcoming Bottlenecks and Unlocking the Full Potential of Digitalisation in the Chemical Industry
  • India´s Robot Boom Hits All-Time High – country enters global top ten in annual robot installations – IFR
  • Quantenstrategie bietet Chance auf einen Neuanfang in der deutschen IT – Bitkom e.V.
  • Bitkom zum Update der Digitalstrategie
  • Bitkom zum EU Chips Act
  • Bitkom zum Start von Manufacturing-X
  • Bitkom: Digitale Innovationen: Hälfte der deutschen Industrie sieht sich vorn
  • Bitkom: World Quantum Day: Die Potenziale von Quantencomputing erkennen und nutzen
  • Bitkom: Digitale Zwillinge werden in der Industrie zum Standard
  • First-ever robot press conference scheduled for ITU’s AI for Good Global Summit
  • UNECE to discuss challenges of products with integrated artificial intelligence
  • EU wins World Trade Organization case on India’s tariffs on information and communication technology products
  • Chinese Vice-premier stresses the development of integrated circuit industry – Chinese State Council
  • China unveils plan to promote digital development – Government
  • Statement from U.S. Vice President Harris After Meeting with CEOs on Advancing Responsible Artificial Intelligence Innovation
  • U.S. White House: Background Press Call on New Artificial Intelligence Announcements
  • Statement from U.S. Vice President Harris on Bosch Semiconductors Announcement
  • U.S. CISA Releases One Industrial Control Systems Advisory
  • U.S. CISA Urges Organizations to Incorporate the FCC Covered List Into Risk Management Plans
  • U.S. NIST to Lead Implementation of U.S. Government National Standards Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technology
  • U.S. NIST: Cybersecurity for R&D – Request for Comment
  • USPTO Director’s Blog: With artificial intelligence speeding the innovation process, what does that mean for invention and a properly balanced patent system?
  • Readout of Space Systems Cybersecurity Executive Forum Hosted by the Office of the National Cyber Director and the National Space Council
  • FACT SHEET: U.S. President Biden Signs Executive Order to Prohibit U.S. Government Use of Commercial Spyware that Poses Risks to National Security
  • Executive Order on Prohibition on Use by the United States Government of Commercial Spyware that Poses Risks to National Security
  • U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo Stresses Importance of Training Students for the Manufacturing Jobs of the Future
– UK
  • Research on Cyber security in enterprise connected devices – UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media
  • SAP to Embed IBM Watson Artificial Intelligence – IBM Newsroom


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