Mon. Sep 16th, 2024
Carbon capture and storage involves three steps – capture, transport and storage. Source: Global CCS Institute

  • Habeck will den Einsatz von CCS ermöglichen: „Ohne CCS können wir unmöglich die Klimaziele erreichen.“
  • BDI zu Eckpunkten einer Carbon-Management-Strategie: Grundsatzentscheidung für CCS/CCU-Technologien ist wichtiger Schritt hin zu Klimaneutralität
  • VKU begrüßt Eckpunkte der Bundesregierung für eine Carbon Management-Strategie (CCS/CCU) und die Novelle des Kohlendioxidspeicherungsgesetzes
  • BDEW zur Carbon Management Strategie
  • United Nations adopts landmark global decarbonization strategy in transport by road, rail and inland waterway
  • Drawing a line in the sand as communities adapt to climate change
  • BRIEFING: Renewable Energy Planning and Mapping for Successful Acceleration with Nature and Communities at Its Heart: Guiding Principles for Member States
  • UK’s exit is a victory in ending the climate-wrecking Energy Charter Treaty
  • REACTION: EU Presidency’s Industrial Summit exacerbates the corporate capture of the EU policy process, sidelining democracy
  • Briefing: Making Renewable Heating Accessible and Affordable in the rental sector
  • Briefing: Future proofing Central Eastern Europe’s grids
  • LETTER to the European Commission on the recent Assessment report of the draft updated National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs)
  • CAN Europe launches tool to track progress of National Energy and Climate Plans – reveals gaps
  • Trade Unions and Just Transition in Turkey: Current Situation, Potential and Constraints.
  • Open Letter on the Carbon Removal Certification Framework
  • Reminder – EFRAG’s survey on the IASB’s Exposure Draft Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity (‘FICE’) still open for input by 8 March
  • EFRAG Administrative Board Meeting on 27 February 2024


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