Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
  • MEPs raise global ambitions to achieve strong outcome at COP26
  • S&Ds: EU parliament calls on governments, civil society and industry to come together and make COP26 successful
  • In focus: Methane – what’s the deal?
  • OPEC hosts coordination meeting on climate change
  • Energy Charter Secretariat contributes to the Climate Change Hackathon to support COP26 goals
  • Opening and concluding remarks by EU Commissioner Simson at the European Parliament plenary session on the EU Methane Strategy
  • Methane: MEPs want a binding target to bring a double win for climate and health
  • Grüne/EFA: EU Parlament stimmt für bessere Maßnahmen zur Methanreduktion
  • BDEW zum Initiativbericht des EU-Parlaments zur EU-Methanstrategie
  • Climate targets of new EU Missions
  • Statement of Chair Jerome H. Powell on the U.S. Financial Stability Oversight Council’s Report on Climate-Related Financial Risk
  • Mainstreaming climate spending and financing the transition – Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
  • Green and digital transformation in the EU: towards more flexible and agile geospatial data sharing
  • WMO overhauls data exchange policy
  • BDI und BCG präsentieren Klimapfade 2.0 zur Treibhausgasneutralität 2045: „Deutschland braucht jetzt einen großen Aufbruch“
  • BDI-Klimapfade 2.0: Wie wir Klimaschutzziele erreichen und gleichzeitig den Standort stärken können

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