Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
locomotive, train car, railroad
Decarbonizing freight transports, e.g. by rail. Photo by Bru-nO on Pixabay
    • Update on UN Climate Change Consultation on Net Zero Recognition and Accountability Framework
    • UNFCCC Executive Simon Stiell: We can. We will. That is the attitude we need to bring to COP28
    • Applications for the Prestigious 2023 UN Global Climate Action Awards Now Open
    • Climate action and sustainable development are in the spotlight at UNGA
    • Address by IPCC Chair, Jim Skea at the Climate Week 2023
    • Montreal Protocol: fixing the ozone layer and reducing climate change
    • WMO: World Ozone Day celebrates success of Montreal Protocol
    • Urban Multi-hazard Early Warning Toolbox – China Meteorological Administration
    • Meeting of the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI)
    • Vote on the Net Zero Industry Act; European disability card and parking card
    • PIK: Glaubwürdigkeit als Schlüssel, um Netto-Null-Emissionsziele zu erreichen
    • Decarbonizing Freight: Opportunities and Obstacles for Clean Fuels – World Resources Institute
    • „Woche der Klimaanpassung“ geht an den Start
    • Klimakongress des BDI


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