Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
  • EU Commission presents guide for a fair transition towards climate neutrality
  • Proposal for a COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on ensuring a fair transition towards climate neutrality
  • EU Commission Q&A: A fair transition towards climate neutrality
  • New transport proposals target greater efficiency and more sustainable travel
  • Germanwatch zu EU-Bahnverkehrsplänen: Wichtiger Schritt für Klimaschutz, wenn Umsetzung gelingt
  • EU Commission decides on requests for registration of two new European Citizens’ Initiatives
  • BDI zum 2. Teil des Fit-for-55-Pakets der Europäischen Kommission: „Wirtschaft fordert rasch verlässlichen Rechtsrahmen, damit Unternehmen in Klimaneutralität investieren können“
  • PIK:  Wie man den Emissionshandel vor preisverzerrender Finanzspekulation schützen kann
  • COP26 defined by ‘reinvigorated multilateralism’
  • WMO: 38℃ record Arctic temperature confirmed, others likely to follow
  • PIK: Kick-off for Global Commission on Science Missions for Sustainability with Johan Rockström
  • Habeck: Zusätzliche Mittel für die Transformation zu einer klimaneutralen Volkswirtschaft – Kabinett beschließt Entwurf des Zweiten Nachtragshaushalts 2021
  • VCI: Zehn-Punkte-Papier: Aktive Unterstützung für mehr Klimaschutz nötig
  • COMMISSION DECISION instructing the central administrator of the Union Registry to enter into the European Union Transaction Log the 2022 auction tables for aviation allowances to be auctioned by the common auction platform, by the auction platform appointed by Germany and by the auction platform auctioning for Poland and the 2022 auction table for general allowances to be auctioned by the auction platform auctioning for the United Kingdom in respect of the generation of electricity in Northern Ireland, and to transfer the aviation and general allowances to the relevant auction collateral delivery accounts
  • COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) /… amending Regulation (EU) 2018/956 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the data on new heavy-duty vehicles to be monitored and reported by Member States and by manufacturers and the reporting procedure
  • COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Accompanying the Proposal for a Council Recommendation on ensuring a fair transition towards climate neutrality
  • Proposal for a COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on ensuring a fair transition towards climate neutrality

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