Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
  • Closing of COP26 envisaged for the afternoon of 13 November
  • As COP26 deadline slips, negotiators to keep working to agree crucial climate deal
  • Secretary-General’s remarks to Global Climate Action High-Level Event – as delivered
  • Frans Timmermans at Stocktaking plenary at COP26
  • The EU and global climate justice: normative power caught in normative battles’ by Franziskus von Lucke, Thomas Diez, Solveig Aamodt, and Bettina Ahrens
  • OECD: Development co-operation to align with Paris Climate Accords
  • COP26 Sees Significant Progress on Issues Related to Agriculture
  • COP26: Ignoring the vital role played by cities and regions will undermine climate commitments, local and regional leaders warned from Glasgow
  • COP26: Promises ‘ring hollow’ when fossil fuels still receive trillions in subsidies; UN chief calls on negotiators to pick up the pace
  • Harvard Project on Climate Agreements Co-hosts COP26 Side Event on Securing Climate Ambition through Cooperative Approaches Facilitated by Article 6 – Belfer Center
  • WMO supports Global Methane Pledge as part of greenhouse gas emissions cuts

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