Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
river, forest, fog
UN: Take steps to close the climate adaptation gap, now. Photo by AlainAudet on Pixabay
  • IFIs Partners Launch Climate Finance Video Campaign Ahead of COP27
  • Four New Reports Set Scene for Discussions on Climate Finance at COP27
  • Innovation Hub at COP27 to Promote Transformative Climate Solutions
  • Good or Bad COP – What’s at stake and how will it be judged? – Carbon Tracker Initiative
  • COP27: Redefining the energy sector for a clean, secure and just transition for all – Carbon Tracker Initiative
  • Latest positions published by CAN Europe
  • Strengthening the Africa-EU partnership through action on climate impacts
  • The first school playground wall in Serbia to absorb dirty air and talk about a just energy transition
  • Media Briefing COP27: How do we manage to keep us below the 1.5°C limit in a fair manner through international climate negotiations
  • CAN Europe’s Winter Narrative: Save Winter for a Safer Future
  • Reaction: Energy Ministers fail to build on EU Commission’s ambitious buildings recast proposal
  • NGOs Checklist for a successful EPBD Recast
  • Representatives of EU citizens want bold climate action at COP27 – now EU ministers should follow
  • Joint Letter: An EU-solar mandate for a resilient energy system and efficient buildings
  • Call by 180 unions, civil society, think tanks and academics for democratic reform of EU fiscal rules
  • Europe hotting up more than twice global average: WMO
  • Kanzler Scholz in China: Beim Klima ist Dialog und kluge Kooperation ohne Naivität gefragt – Germanwatch
  • Latest updates by EFRAG
  • EFRAG FR TEG meeting 3 November 2022
  • EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board meeting 2 November 2022- PM-
  • EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board meeting 2 November 2022

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