Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
12 OCTOBER 2021
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 12 October 2021
  • EU Parliament Agenda 12 October 2021
  • Agriculture and Fisheries Council 11-12 October 2021 (updated 9/10)
  • Informal video conference of EU Health Ministers, 12 October 2021
  • EU-Ukraine summit in Kyiv 12 October 2021
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 12 October 2021
  • 19th European Week of Regions and Cities
  • Fundamental rights forum 2021
  • Together for aviation recovery – Green Deal innovation in EU regions, cities, and airports
  • New models of Vocational Education: Final conference of the ESF project “Renovation of Vocational Education 2016-2021”
  • CMTD(2021)1507 – Committee for the Common Organisation of the Agricultural Markets – Wine
  • CMTD(2021)1479 – Associated committee: Committee for Spirit Drinks
  • CPG185010 Project Group on Import of Cultural Goods
  • Expert Group for Agricultural Markets and single CMO Regulation, subgroup Wine
  • Expert group for the Common Organisatin of Agricultural Markets – Spirit Dinks
  • WG POMESA 25th meeting
  • Towards 61 GW of offshore energy by 2030: sharing experiences throughout the EU
  • Freedom to provide services: Hearing in Cases C-156/21 Hungary and C-157/21 Poland v EU Parliament and EU Council
  • Eurochambres: Reviving Europe – Towards a competitive, sustainable and digital economy
13 OCTOBER 2021
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 13 October 2021
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 13 October 2021
  • 19th European Week of Regions and Cities
  • High-level seminar on e-commerce: the way forward
  • Clear writing for Europe 2021
  • CMTD(2021)1427 – 76th meeting of the Radio Spectrum Committee
  • CMTD(2021)1534 – Committee for the Common Organisation of the Agricultural Markets
  • CMTD(2021)1427 – RSC Radio Spectrum Committee – Decision n° 676/2002/EC
  • MDCG – Notified Body Oversight (NBO) WG meeting
  • Expert Group for Rural Development
  • MANCP Network meeting
  • S&D AIDA Webinar: AI’s Technological Diversification to Counter Market Concentration
  • Eurochambres: Reviving Europe – Towards a competitive, sustainable and digital economy
14 OCTOBER 2021
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 14 October 2021
  • EU Parliament Agenda 14 October 2021
  • Informal video conference of Telecom Ministers on 14 October 2021
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 14 October 2021
  • 19th European Week of Regions and Cities
  • High-level seminar on e-commerce: the way forward
  • Clear writing for Europe 2021
  • CMTD(2021)1427 – 76th meeting of the Radio Spectrum Committee
  • CMTD(2021)1427 – RSC Radio Spectrum Committee – Decision n° 676/2002/EC
  • CMTD(2021)1522 – Meeting of the Trade Defence Instruments Committee
  • CMTD(2021)1522 – Meeting of the Trade Defence Instruments Committee
  • Big Science Business Forum postponed to 4-7 October 2022
  • The Connecting Europe facility support for railways
  • SRB conference 2021 – Bank resolution: delivering for financial stability
  • Online seminar on the socio-economic challenges of the coronavirus pandemic
  • 26th meeting of the Customs Expert Group – Data Integration and Harmonization section – joint with Trade Contact Group (TCG)
  • SRB Conference 2021 – Bank resolution: delivering for financial stability
  • Slot machines: EU Judgment in Case C-231/20 Landespolizeidirektion Steiermark (et alt)
  • EU Judgment in Case C-373/20: Director Z., Department of the Polish Regional Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture
  • Judgment in Case C‑683/19 Viesgo Infraestructuras Energéticas, SA – Taxation
  • Opinion in Case C-556/20 Schneider Electric and Others – Taxation
  • Opinion in Joined cases C-428/21 PPU and C-429/21 PPU Openbaar Ministerie – European Arrest Warrant)
  • Urteil des Gerichtshofs in den verbundenen Rechtssachen C‑45/20 Finanzamt N und C‑46/20 Finanzamt G – Vorsteuerabzug bei gemischt genutztem Vermögen
  • Eurochambres: Reviving Europe – Towards a competitive, sustainable and digital economy
15 OCTOBER 2021
  • Meetings of EU Commission members on 15 October 2021
  • EU Parliament Agenda 15 October 2021
  • Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (Employment and social policy) on 15 October 2021
  • EU Council preparatory bodies on 15 October 2021
  • Big Science Business Forum postponed to 4-7 October 2022
  • CMTD(2021)1549 – Associated committee: Digital Europe Programme Coordination Committee
  • CMTD(2021)1482 – Committee on market surveillance and compliance of products
  • CMTD(2021)1528 – Committee for the Common Organisation of the Agricultural Markets
  • CMTD(2021)1535 – 6th meeting of the strategic configuration of the Horizon Europe Programme Committee
  • CMTD(2021)1527 – 14th meeting of the Article 93 Committee: first meeting on the draft adequacy decision for South Korea
  • CMTD(2021)1510 – Committee for the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN)
  • 42nd meeting of the EGESC
  • Third meeting of CCEI Coordination group
16 OCTOBER 2021
  • Big Science Business Forum postponed to 4-7 October 2022
17 OCTOBER 2021
  • EU Parliament Agenda 17 October 2021
  • Big Science Business Forum postponed to 4-7 October 2022

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