Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
calendar, date, time
Photo by tigerlily713 on Pixabay
3 JULY 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission Members on 3 July 2023
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 3 July 2023
  • Meetings of EU Council preparatory bodies on 3 July 2023
  • Spanish EU Presidency: Visit of the College of EU Commissioners
  • ECB schedule of public activities on 3 July 2023
  • Press conference on launch of the International Centre for the Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine (ICPA)
  • 13th meeting of the EU-Ukraine Civil Society Platform
  • Meeting of the national cultural offices of the Creative Europe programme
  • Spanish EU Presidency seminar: The importance of international police training in the framework of the Iberpol School
  • EU Comitology meetings on 3 July 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission Expert Groups on 3 July 2023
4 JULY 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission Members on 4 July 2023
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 4 July 2023
  • Meetings of EU Council preparatory bodies on 4 July 2023
  • ECB schedule of public activities on 4 July 2023
  • EU Court of Justice: Judicial calendar on 4 July 2023
  • EU Judgment in Case C-252/21 Meta Platforms and others: User conditions for a social network)
  • EncroChat-Daten in Strafverfahren: EU-Gerichtshof (Große Kammer) verhandelt Rechtssache C-670/22 Staatsanwaltschaft Berlin
  • Sanktionen gegen Russland: EU-Gericht verhandelt Rechtssache T‑304/22 Fridman / EU-Rat
  • Sanktionen gegen Russland: Mündliche Verhandlung vor dem Gericht in der Rechtssache T‑301/22 Aven / EU-Rat
  • 10th EU-Chile Joint Consultative Committee
  • EESC seminar: Youth under pressure – Safeguarding youth civil society
  • EESC public hearing: Taxation of cross-border teleworkers – possible solutions
  • Innovation Fund: Practical webinar for small-scale call applicants
  • Meeting of the national cultural offices of the Creative Europe programme
  • Spanish EU Presidency seminar: The importance of international police training in the framework of the Iberpol School
  • Spanish EU Presidency: Informal presidency workshop on climate change
  • Spanish EU Presidency: Present and future of renewable hydrogen
  • Spanish EU Presidency workshop on civil protection
  • EU Comitology meetings on 4 July 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission Expert Groups on 4 July 2023
5 JULY 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission Members on 5 July 2023
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 5 July 2023
  • Meetings of EU Council preparatory bodies on 5 July 2023
  • ECB schedule of public activities on 5 July 2023
  • EU Court of Justice: Judicial calendar on 5 July 2023
  • Judgment in Case T-115/20 Puigdemont i Casamajó and Comín i Oliveres v Parliament and in Case T-272/21 Puigdemont i Casamajó and Others v Parliament
  • Spanish EU Presidency: Advancing LGBTQI+ Rights in Europe
  • Spanish EU Presidency seminar: Triple Transition: shaping international cooperation to address digital, green, and social transitions
  • Spanish EU Presidency seminar: The importance of international police training in the framework of the Iberpol School
  • Innovation Fund: Practical webinar for small-scale call applicants
  • Spanish EU Presidency: Informal presidency workshop on climate change
  • Spanish EU Presidency: Present and future of renewable hydrogen
  • Spanish EU Presidency workshop on civil protection
  • 2023 Euromed Summit of Economic and Social Councils and similar institutions
  • EU Comitology meetings on 5 July 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission Expert Groups on 5 July 2023
6 JULY 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission Members on 6 July 2023
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 6 July 2023
  • Meetings of EU Council preparatory bodies on 6 July 2023
  • ECB schedule of public activities on 6 July 2023
  • EU Court of Justice: Judicial calendar on 6 July 2023
  • Refugees committing serious crimes: EU Judgment in Cases C-633/21 Bundesamt für Fremdenwesen und Asyl , C-8/22 Commissaire général aux réfugiés and aux apatrides Asyl, C-402/22 Staatssecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid
  • First aid on board an aircraft: EU Judgment in Case C-510/21 Austrian Airlines
  • Opinion of the EU Advocate General in Case C-122/22 P Dyson and others v Commission
  • Gerichtszuständigkeit in internationalen Scheidungsverfahren: Urteil des EU-Gerichtshofs in der Rechtssache C‑462/22 BM
  • Bezeichnung “Weingut”: Schlussanträge des Generalanwalts am EU-Gerichtshof in der Rechtssache C-354/22 Weingut A
  • Spanish EU Presidency seminar: The importance of international police training in the framework of the Iberpol School
  • Spanish EU Presidency: Present and future of renewable hydrogen
  • Spanish EU Presidency workshop on civil protection
  • Risk Management in Times of Digital and Circular Economy
  • EU Comitology meetings on 6 July 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission Expert Groups on 6 July 2023
7 JULY 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission Members on 7 July 2023
  • EU Parliament Agenda on 7 July 2023
  • Meetings of EU Council preparatory bodies on 7 July 2023
  • ECB schedule of public activities on 7 July 2023
  • EU Court of Justice: Judicial calendar on 7 July 2023
  • COVID-19-Beihilfen: Mündliche Verhandlung vor dem EU-Gericht in der Rechtssache T‑146/22 Ryanair / Kommission (KLM II; COVID-19)
  • Spanish EU Presidency seminar: The importance of international police training in the framework of the Iberpol School
  • Risk Management in Times of Digital and Circular Economy
  • Meetings of EU Commission Expert Groups on 7 July 2023
8 JULY 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission Members on 8 July 2023
9 JULY 2023
  • Meetings of EU Commission Members on 9 July 2023


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