Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Our IEU MONITORING headlines this week:

  • News from our cities and networks – 4 June 2021
  • Security-by-design: EU Council approves conclusions on the protection of public spaces
  • Digital contact tracing against COVID-19: a governance framework to build trust – The Future Society
  • Phelas entwickelt einen Stromspeicher aus flüssiger Luft – Reset
  • Innovation für die Digitalisierung der Energiewende: Im KPM-Quartier entsteht das „Future Energy Lab“
  • ST 9324 2021 INIT Council conclusions on the Commission’s Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy
  • ST 7891 2021 REV 2 Revised draft Council conclusions on the “Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy”
  • ST 8652 2021 INIT Preparation of the Council meeting (Transport, Telecommunications and Energy) on 3 June 2021 Draft Council conclusions on the Commission’s Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy – Approval
  • Consultation workshop on the new EU Urban Mobility Initiative for local and regional authorities, civil society and the general public
  • Evaluation confirms TEN-T policy’s support for infrastructure helping EU achieve transport policy objectives
  • Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy – Council adopts conclusions – 3/6/2021
  • Rail at the forefront of smart and sustainable mobility – EU Council adopts conclusions – 3/6/2021
  • EP DRAFT OPINION on sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy – 1/6/2021
  • EU Commission: Answer to a written question – Support for urban mobility – E-001495/2021(ASW)
  • First pan-European Master Plan for Cycling Promotion adopted
  • COR: European Commission and European Committee of the Regions launch Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform
  • COR: ‘Fit for 55 package’: local leaders ready to take the helm as Council adopts a €17.5 billion Just Transition Fund
  • S&D Group/GPF Webinar: Local communities for a sustainable world
  • With the right tools, complexity is not a barrier to implement urban sustainability in the food-water-energy nexus – JPI Urban Europe
  • Bitkom: Smart City  – Fehlende Digitalisierung macht Städte unattraktiv
  • Städte sind zum Leben da!?
  • Search for the next UK City of Culture launched
  • Guidance: UK City of Culture 2025 Expression of Interest: guidance for bidders


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