Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Our IEU MONITORING headlines this week:

  • The long-term vision for rural areas: for stronger, connected, resilient, prosperous EU rural areas
  • EU Commission Q&A on the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas
  • Local leaders welcome EU Rural Pact and long-term vision but urge stronger attention for rural recovery
  • VKU zur neuen EU-Langzeitvision für ländliche Räume
  • ECA Special Report 14/2021 on Interreg cooperation: The potential of the European Union’s cross-border regions has not yet been fully unlocked
  • Neue Ausgabe des Interreg Central Europe Newsletters
  • Cross-border cooperation: after the biggest setbacks in decades, the time for recovery and improvement has come
  • The UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals should guide the European Recovery
  • Local and regional authorities’ contributions to tackling climate change need to be measured, included and valued under the Paris Agreement
  • Regions and cities want to make social economy a lever for economic recovery
  • Cities and regions step up their game to regulate online platforms and pave a safe way for SMEs into digital markets
  • Regional airports are key for the economic recovery and territorial cohesion in the EU
  • Good Practice Transfer – why not in MORE cities?
  • Measuring user-centricity in Espoo
  • EU Consultation: Sustainable transport – new urban mobility framework until 23 September 2021
  • Winners of the EIT Urban Mobility Accelerator Pitch Awards
  • EP AMENDMENTS 1 – 257 – Draft opinion Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy – PE695.045v03-00
  • EU Commission: Answer to a written question – European ports and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy – E-001168/2021(ASW)
  • Cities and Regions ready to lead the sustainable mobility revolution in Europe
  • TotalEnergies and Uber Join Forces to Accelerate the Transition Towards Electric Urban Mobility
  • EU Commission: Answer to a written question – Safe micromobility in European cities  – E-001661/2021(ASW)


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