Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Content of this update: 

APRIL 2021
  • Europe fit for the Digital Age: The EU Commission proposes new rules and actions for excellence and trust in Artificial Intelligence
  • Für eine vertrauenswürdige Künstliche Intelligenz: EU-Kommission legt weltweit ersten Rechtsrahmen vor (DE)
  • New rules for Artificial Intelligence – EU Commission Q&A
  • Speech by EU Commission Executive VP Vestager on fostering a European approach to Artificial Intelligence – 21/4/2021
  • MEPs hold first debate on proposed rulebook for Artificial Intelligence with Commissioners – 22/4/2021
  • Artificial Intelligence: Special committee Chair reacts to Commission proposal – 21/4/2021
  • Statement der Abgeordneten Voss und Walsmann (EVP/CDU) zu den KI-Vorschlägen der EU-Kommission – 21/4/2021
  • Markus Ferber (EVP/CSU) zu den KI-Vorschlägen der EU-Kommission: Auf Chancen fokussieren!
  • S&D/SPD zu EU-Regeln für Künstliche Intelligenz: „Innovation fördern, Grundrechte schützen“
  • Renew Europe: Artificial Intelligence in Europe: transparency and accountability to citizens – 21/4/2021
  • Documentation of an AIDA Webinar on “AI basics” – Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age – 27/4/2021
  • Artificial intelligence companies, goods and services – OECD paper – 3/5/2021
  • Machine learning paves the way for modern, efficient statistical production
  • FAO Rome Call for Artificial Intelligence ethics draws global interest – 22/4/2021
  • EU Parliament supports European digital transformation programme – 29/4/2021
  • Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on machinery products – 21/4/2021
  • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT Accompanying the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on machinery products – 21/4/2021
  • COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT Accompanying the Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on machinery products – 21/4/2021
  • Impact Assessment – Opinion of the Board: Revision of the Machinery Directive – 3/2/2021
  • EU Commission: Machinery Directive – revision – Spring 2021
  • Impact assessment study on the revision of Directive 2006/42/EC on machinery
  • Digital Day 2021: EU countries commit to key digital initiatives for Europe’s Digital Decade – 19/3/2021
  • Speech by EU Commissioner Reynders at American Chamber of Commerce on the Digital Transatlantic Economy
  • Briefing on Artificial Intelligence with lead MEPs
  • AIDA Committee Meetings and Hearings verbatim reports – Special Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age – 16/4/2021
  • EP Study – Proceedings of the workshop on Use of big data and AI in fighting corruption and misuse of public funds – good practice, ways forward and how to integrate new technology into contemporary control framework – 31/3/2021
  • Text adopted – Artificial intelligence: questions of interpretation and application of international law – Wednesday, 20 January 2021 – Brussels – Final edition – 29/3/2021
  • EP OPINION on shaping the digital future of Europe: removing barriers to the functioning of the digital single market and improving the use of AI for European consumers – 29/3/2021
  • EP OPINION on shaping the digital future of Europe: removing barriers to the functioning of the digital single market and improving the use of AI for European consumers – Committee on Industry, Research and Energy – 26/3/2021
  • Artificial intelligence: MEPs discuss ways to boost EU competitiveness – 23/3/2021
  • Artificial Intelligence and facial recognition – talk with leading AI experts – 29/4/2021
  • Sweden: The pandemic requires a new industrial strategy – 8/4/2021
  • Bitkom: Unternehmen erwarten gravierende Veränderungen durch KI – 3/5/2021
  • Bitkom: Künstliche Intelligenz kommt in Unternehmen allmählich voran – 21/4/2021
  • BSI zeigt Maßnahmen für sicheren KI-Einsatz auf – 21/4/2021
  • BSI-Wirtschaftsumfrage: Home-Office vergrößert Angriffsfläche für Cyber-Kriminelle – 15/4/2021
  • Technologie- und Trendradar hilft Unternehmen bei der digitalen Orientierung – BMWi – 22/4/2021
  • Wissenschaftlicher Beirat beim BMWi veröffentlicht Gutachten zu Lehren aus der Corona-Krise für die Digitalisierung in Deutschland – BMWi – 13/4/2021
  • Vollständig digitale Kommunikation zwischen Wirtschaft und Verwaltung – der neue Standard „XUnternehmen“ macht es möglich – BMWi – 9/4/2021
  • Infosheet “Boosting the use of Artificial Intelligence in Europe’s micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs)” – EESC – 15/4/2021
  • Time to deliver: Decent work in digital labour platforms – ILO
  • Eurocommerce: Safe, trusted AI based on European values vital for Europe’s future – 21/4/2021
  • CCIA Welcomes the EU’s Risk-Based AI Proposal, Urges Further Clarifications – 21/4/2021
## BDI
  • BDI zum Gesetzesvorschlag der EU-Kommission zum Umgang mit KI – 21/4/2021
  • Bitkom: Corona führt zu Digitalisierungsschub in der deutschen Industrie – 7/4/2021
  • BDEW zum KI-Vorschlag der EU-Kommission: KI in Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft nicht ausbremsen und Innovationen fördern – 21/4/2021
  • Bruegel: AI regulation at the service of industrial policy? An online event on 22 April 2021
  • The Artificial Intelligence Act Is a Threat to Europe’s Digital Economy and Will Hamstring The EU’s Technology Sector In The Global Marketplace – Center for Data Innovation – 21/4/2021
  • Is the EU Doing Enough to Address Europe’s Digital Investment Shortfall? – Center for Data Innovation – 20/4/2021
  • European AI Policy Conference Report 2020 – Center for Data Innovation – 10/4/2021
  • Next generation of AI – Smart robots need intelligent materials – EMPA Center of Robotics: – 8/4/2021
## UK
  • Guidance: Building Digital UK – Department for Digital, Culture, Media – 19/4/2021
  • UK Trades Union Congress outlines recommendations to ensure AI improves working lives – Geneva Internet Platform – 25/3/2021
## USA
  • New Research Indicates Nearly 80% of Top US Energy Companies Are at Serious Risk for Cyberattacks CircleID – 20/4/2021
  • Europe and the United States should cooperate more on AI for defense – Center for Data Innovation – 26/3/2021
  • AmCham EU Transatlantic Conference 2021: the transatlantic digital economy – 29/3/2021
  • Exponential Disruptive Technologies and the Required Skills of Industry 4.0 –
  • Digitalisierung in der Industrie: Diese Strategien sichern die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit – Digital Engineering Magazin


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