Mon. Sep 16th, 2024
Brussels, 12 March 2024
The European Union welcomes the important progress achieved at Monday’s meeting in Kingston, Jamaica, between Haitian political forces and international partners. The EU commends CARICOM for the tireless facilitation efforts that have made this possible.
A viable, inclusive and sustainable Haitian-led political transition is the only option to put the country on a pathway to stability, where the rule of law can be restored, and the human rights of the population upheld. The EU strongly supports the continuing efforts to ensure this.
Over the past two weeks, criminal gangs have unleashed a new tide of violence in Haiti, inflicting further suffering on the people and bringing the country to the brink. It is essential that the ongoing political efforts translate swiftly into improvements on the ground.The EU therefore emphasises the importance of swiftly deploying the Multinational Security Support Mission, led by Kenya, and authorised by the UN Security Council under Resolution 2699/2023.As a long-standing partner of Haiti, a major donor of humanitarian assistance and one of the main providers of development cooperation, the EU remains committed to the future of the country.
Source – EEAS
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