Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

The Chair and Executive Committee of the Global Privacy Assembly (GPA) are delighted to announce the launch of a new GPA Award in 2021 in memory of Giovanni Buttarelli, former European Data Protection Supervisor and Executive Committee Member.

This award aims to recognise Giovanni’s invaluable contribution to the international data protection and privacy community as a leader and as a passionate advocate for international collaboration.

Elizabeth Denham, UK Information Commissioner, and GPA Chair, said:

“Giovanni Buttarelli was the European Data Protection Supervisor, a truly inspiring figure in the international data protection and privacy community, and a friend. Giovanni brought his long experience and deep-felt humanity to bear in steering the work of the Global Privacy Assembly as a member of our Executive Committee, and we miss his guiding hand. This Award ensures that his legacy and advocacy for international collaboration continue.”

The Award will be presented annually at the Global Privacy Assembly Open Session.

Eligible candidates will be individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership or have promoted collaboration and/or partnership at a regional or international level in the field of data protection and privacy, and have helped move towards Giovanni Buttarelli’s vision for a fairer digital future for all.

The individual could have demonstrated these characteristics either throughout a certain period of time, such as when leading a particular project or throughout their career.

The demonstration of these credentials could be, for example, through:

  • The fostering of new or innovative types of international or regional partnerships or the promotion of new collaboration methods amongst regulators, organisations, and fields, such as partnerships between data protection authorities.
  • Leading on a project that has led to the development of innovative concepts or practices, which have significantly impacted the thinking in the (international) data protection and privacy community.

To be eligible for the Award, individuals must be nominated by at least one individual they have closely worked with belonging to an organisation in the field of data protection or privacy.

Details of the nominated individual’s contribution should be outlined on the application form. This form is available on the GPA website to download and complete by the given deadline.

Further information on this award can be found here.

The GPA is deeply grateful to Giovanni Buttarelli’s family for endorsing this Award.

Source – GPA:

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