Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

February 1, 2022, 14:30

According to preliminary data, Gazprom produced ( 47.4 billion cubic meters of gas in January 2022, which is 0.5 billion cubic meters (or 1 percent) more than in the same period of last year.

Gazprom ramped up its domestic supplies from the gas transmission system ( by 3.2 percent (or by 1.1 billion cubic meters) over said period of 2022.

The Company’s gas exports to the countries beyond the FSU amounted to 11.4 billion cubic meters, which is 41.3 percent (or 8 billion cubic meters) lower than the figure for the same period of 2021. At the same time, Gazprom increased its supplies to Bulgaria (by 20.6 percent) and to Bosnia and Herzegovina (by 12.9 percent). The Company’s gas deliveries are carried out as requested by consumers in full compliance with contractual obligations.

Gas exports to China via the Power of Siberia ( pipeline keep growing within the framework of the long-term bilateral contract ( between Gazprom and CNPC.

According to Gas Infrastructure Europe, working gas inventories in Europe’s underground gas storage facilities were lagging behind last year’s level by 27.2 per cent (or by 14.2 billion cubic meters) as of January 30.

As much as 81 per cent of the gas injected during the summer period is already withdrawn from the facilities. The total amount of working gas inventories in European UGS facilities was as low as 38.1 billion cubic meters on January 30, falling by 2.7 billion cubic meters below the historical minimum for this date.

The inventories in Ukraine’s UGS facilities have dropped to 11.4 billion cubic meters and are now 46.3 per cent (or 9.8 billion cubic meters) below the level of last year and 3.9 billion cubic meters below the level observed at the start of the injection period in April 2021.

Source – Gazprom (

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