Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

Brussels, 4 December 2024

Today, following the first meeting of the new College, the Commission is starting to deliver on its commitments to the European Parliament, as set out in  President von der Leyen’s Political Guidelines  for the Commission 2024-2029.

The EU Commission College approved its negotiating mandate given to Commissioner Maroš Šefčovič, in charge of interinstitutional relations and transparency, to launch work on the revision of the 2010 Framework Agreement on relations between the two institutions.

The revision aims to strengthen common political accountability and ensure better dialogue, an increased flow of information and greater transparency between the two institutions. The revised Framework Agreement should be fully in line with the other existing interinstitutional agreements and fully respect the prerogatives of the two co-legislators, as set out in the Treaty. The scope of the review is framed by the nine principles agreed by Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, and Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on 21 October 2024.

 More information is available online.


European Parliament and European Commission agree on strengthening cooperation

Joint Statement by European Parliament President Metsola and European Commission President von der Leyen on the revision of the Interinstitutional Framework Agreement:

“Today we have agreed on a set of new principles that will strengthen the cooperation between the European Parliament and the European Commission. The revision of the Interinstitutional Framework Agreement will reinforce relations between our Institutions, ensure greater transparency and better dialogue. It will help our institutions to work seamlessly and deliver for our citizens. Following our political agreement, work at technical level will start immediately.”


Political principles agreed between the President of the European Parliament and the President of the European Commission that would form the basis of a revision of the 2010 Framework Agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the European Commission.

  1. The principle of equal treatment of the Parliament and the Council and the role of the Commission as an honest broker, especially through ensuring the flow of comprehensive, timely and detailed information to Parliament.
  2. The strengthening of the political responsibility of the Commission by ensuring the presence of Commissioners in Parliament (plenary, committees).
  3. The commitment to provide comprehensive justification and information on the exceptional cases where the proposals by the Commission are based on Article 122 TFEU.
  4. Commitment to define a clear mechanism for the use of the urgent/fast- track decision-making.
  5. Commission commits to further strengthening interinstitutional cooperation on budgetary matters; and is ready to put forward, as part of the next MFF, a proposal for a new Interinstitutional Agreement. The exact content of this agreement will need to be agreed by the three institutions.
  6. Commitment to explore how to improve the information flow regarding international agreements and, within its competences, CFSP/CSDP.
  7. Predictable process to consult Commission on amendments to Parliament Rules of Procedure affecting the Commission’s rights and prerogatives.
  8. The strengthening of Parliament’s right of initiative under Article 225 TFEU by enhancing the follow-up by the Commission to corresponding resolutions.
  9. Modernisation of the provisions on the exchange of confidential information.

Source – EU Parliament


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