Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

Brussels, 19 June 2024

The first high level meeting of the upcoming A.I. Board took place at the Commission’s Borschette building, today. Although still awaiting its formal entry into force of the A.I. Act, expected for early August, the meeting was gathered to set the groundwork for the forthcoming implementation of the A.I. Act.

The meeting underlined the need for early collaboration on the impending A.I. Act. The agenda featured discussions including:

  • strategic vision on the implementation of the A.I. Act and the role of the Board
  • national approaches to A.I. Act governance and supervision,
  • first deliverables and priorities related to the A.I. Act’s implementation by the European Commission
  • organisation of the Board, such as its mandate, the process for selecting a Chair, decision making process and the creation of sub-groups.

Along with delegates from the European Commission including Director-General Roberto Viola, Director of the A.I. Office Lucilla Sioli and representatives of the A.I. Office, high-level delegates from all EU Member States were present. The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) attended in its observer role on the A.I. Board. Moreover, representatives from EEA/EFTA members—Norway, Liechtenstein, and Iceland—were also present in an observing capacity.

With the timing of the meeting the Commission and Member States aim to ensure a robust and timely setup for the A.I. governance framework, facilitating effective participation of Member States and implementation of the A.I. Act from day one. The next meeting will be held after the A.I. Act’s entry into force, in the early Autumn.

For more information check the European A.I. Office

The key provisions related to the establishment and tasks of the A.I. Board are Article 65 and 66 of the A.I. Act. You can check these and other articles on The A.I. Act (Corrigendum; Final text after revisions by lawyer-linguists) (pdf).


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