Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Parma, 18 July 2024

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has released an innovative new webtool designed to support industry operators and consumers estimate exposure to food enzymes through the diet.

The Food Enzyme Intake Model (FEIM) webtool marks the culmination of an extensive effort initiated in 2016, bringing together data on the use of food enzymes in various manufacturing processes with information about the exposure of different population groups to food enzymes.

Launched on the occasion of the first plenary meeting of EFSA’s new Food Enzymes (FEZ) Panel, the tool will enable users to obtain intake estimates for specific enzymes per manufacturing process and also to calculate cumulative exposure from multiple manufacturing processes simultaneously. It will not only support food enzyme manufacturers in compiling exposure data for application dossiers but also empower consumers with information on their dietary exposure to food enzymes.

The FEIM webtool is freely accessible to anyone through the R4EU platform upon registration.

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See also

Food improvement agents applications: Tools

Source – EFSA


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