Thu. Oct 10th, 2024

Riga, 9 October 2024

Promoting full connectivity will remain a strategic priority for the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) in the coming years, in line with the focus on promoting Very High Capacity Networks within the European regulatory framework. At the public debriefing on 9 October 2024, BEREC Chair Tonko Obuljen launched a public consultation on the draft BEREC Work Programme 2025.

Draft BEREC Work Programme 2025

In the draft document, BEREC details its work plans for the coming year, as well as the key initiatives scheduled for 2026. Its priorities for the next year include fostering inclusion by closing the digital divide, ensuring network security, and supporting environmentally sustainable infrastructure development. Through these efforts, BEREC aims to contribute significantly to Europe’s digital future.

Presenting the draft Work Programme at the public debriefing, incoming BEREC Chair Robert Mourik (ComReg, Ireland) noted that it had been developed in parallel with the consultation process for the European Commission’s white paper How to Master Europe’s Digital Infrastructure Needs?. This paper serves as a foundational guide for the upcoming Digital Networks Act, which will shape future EU policy on digital infrastructure.

BEREC holds two public consultations on its work programme every year. During the first call for input in the spring, stakeholders are invited to propose topics to be included in the work programme. In the autumn, by 4 November this year, stakeholders can provide their views on the draft document before it is finalised and adopted at the last ordinary meetings in December.

Evolution of 5G private and public networks

During a recent public debriefing, the Co-chairs of the Wireless Network Evolution Working Group presented BEREC’s draft report on the development of private and public 5G networks across Europe. The report sets out an overview of 5G private mobile network usage in European countries based on a questionnaire to national regulatory authorities (NRAs). The draft document seeks views on the needs and drivers for, and relevant case studies of, 5G private mobile networks. One aim is to provide new perspectives for consideration by NRAs by establishing a common understanding of different definitions and classifications of such networks. Stakeholders are invited to feedback on the document and relevant questions set out therein by 29 November 2024.

BEREC Chair elections and new Mini-Board composition

At the 60th BEREC plenary meetings, the Board of Regulators elected the BEREC Chair for 2026 – Marko Mišmaš, Director of the Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia (AKOS). The Board of Regulators also elected the Vice-chairs for next year. They will be part of the ‘BEREC Mini-Board’, which consists of the BEREC Chair, and the incoming and outgoing BEREC Chairs who serve as Vice-chairs. The newly-elected BEREC Vice-chairs are Alejandra de Iturriaga Gandini, Director of Telecommunications and the Audiovisual Sector at the Spanish regulator CNMC, and Daniela Brönstrup, Vice President of the German regulator BNetzA.

The BEREC Board of Regulators also elected Liliia Malon, Commissioner of NCEC, Ukraine, as the representative for participants without voting rights to complete the composition of the Mini-Board in 2025.

Public documents available online

A full list of BEREC’s public documents adopted at the 60th ordinary meetings (3-4 October 2024) can be found on the BEREC website. The presentation and video recording of the BEREC public debriefing will be uploaded shortly. The 61st BEREC ordinary meeting will take place in Slovenia on 5-6 December 2024. The next public debriefing will be held on 11 December 2024 and will take place online.

Source – BEREC


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