Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

New York, 28 August 2023

Following is the text of UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ video message to the European Forum Alpbach, in Austria today:

Greetings to everyone gathered in beautiful Alpbach!  Since your first meeting in 1945, this Forum has become a unique space for reflection and action across generations, geographies, and disciplines.

Today, you are meeting at a time of great tension and turmoil. War has returned to the European continent with the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  And all around the world, old and new conflicts rage on.

Climate chaos is devastating lives and livelihoods.  A cost-of-living crisis is worsening inequalities and hitting the most vulnerable first and worst.  And the Sustainable Development Goals — our blueprint for peace and prosperity on a healthy planet — are slipping from our reach.

We need to take bold steps towards bold solutions.  We must radically rethink our approach to peace and security, our relationship with nature and the structures of global governance.

We must act to contain the risks of new technologies, stem the spread of mis- and disinformation and hate, and make the digital space more inclusive and safer.  Throughout, we must seek shared solutions to common problems — guided by the values of solidarity, equality and sustainability.

At the United Nations, we are working to advance global cooperation on all fronts.  Through Our Common Agenda, we have put forward concrete proposals towards a renewed multilateralism that is more inclusive, networked and effective.

The months ahead will be critical as a series of summits provide vital opportunities for progress, starting with the SDG Summit in September and leading to the Summit of the Future next year.  I count on your engagement and I urge you to be bold. Let us raise our ambition and together build a more just, sustainable and peaceful future for all.  Thank you.

Source – UN
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