Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

European elections, 6 – 9 June 2024, country sheet SPAIN

Official EE24 website: https://info.eleccioneseuropeas2024.es/

Other elections/referenda held the same day: No

Number of MEPs before/after EE24: 59/61

Current government: PSOE (S&D) and Sumar (The Left & unaffiliated) alliance since November 2023


  • Obligatory vote: No
  • Number of constituencies: 1
  • Preferential vote: No
  • Postal vote: Yes
  • Threshold to get elected: No
  • Day of EE24: Sunday 9 June
  • Opening time of polling stations: 09.00 CEST (10.00 CEST in Canary Islands)
  • Closing time of polling stations: 20.00 CEST (21.00 CEST in Canary Islands)



  • Total: 38 087 379
  • Minimum age: 18


  • Lists (total): 34
  • Candidates (total): 4 168
  • Minimum age to stand as candidate: 18

Lead candidates per list or party (affiliation) (In bold those represented in outgoing EP)

  • PSOE (S&D) – Teresa Ribera Rodríguez
  • PP (EPP) – María Dolores Montserrat Montserrat
  • Ciudadanos (Renew) – Jordi Cañas Pérez
  • Podemos (The Left) – Irene Montero Gil
  • Sumar (The Left & not represented)  Estrella Galán Pérez
  • VOX (ECR) – Jorge Buxadé Villalba
  • Ahora Repúblicas (Greens/EFA & not represented) – Diana Riba Giner
  • Junts i Lliures per Europa (Non-attached): Toni Comín i Oliveres
  • CEUS (Renew & not represented) – Ms Oihane Agirregoitia Martinez

MEPs re-running (in bold lead candidate of list)


  • Iratxe García Pérez
  • Javi López Fernández
  • Javier Moreno Sánchez
  • Lina Gálvez Muñoz
  • Jonás Fernández Álvarez
  • César Luena López
  • Nicolás González Casares
  • Cristina Maestre Martín de Almagro
  • Juan Fernando López Aguilar
  • Ignacio Sánchez Amor
  • Laura Ballarín Cereza
  • Marcos Ros Sempere
  • Alicia Homs Ginel


  • Dolors Montserrat Montserrat
  • Francisco Javier Zarzalejos Nieto
  • María Rosa Estarás Ferragut
  • Francisco José Ricardo Millán Mon
  • Pilar del Castillo Vera
  • Adrián Vázquez Lázara (previous term with Ciudadanos)
  • Gabriel Mato Adrover
  • Juan Ignacio Zoido Álvarez
  • Susana Solís Pérez (previous term with Ciudadanos)
  • Pablo Arias Echeverría
  • Antonio Javier López-Istúriz White
  • Isabel Benjumea Benjumea
  • Eva-María Poptcheva (previous term with Ciudadanos)

Ciudadanos (Renew)

  • Jordi Cañas Pérez
  • Javier Nart Peñalver


  • Jorge Buxadé Villalba
  • Hermann Tertsch
  • Margarita de la Pisa Carrión

Ahora Repúblicas (Greens/EFA & not represented)

  • Diana Riba Giner
    Ana Miranda

Junts i Lliures per Europa (NI)

  • Toni Comín i Olliveres

SUMAR (The Left)

  • Manu Pineda Marín (previous term with Unidas Podemos coalition)

Izquierda Española

  • Soraya Rodríguez (previous term with Ciudadanos)


MEPs / % votes

  • PSOE / 20 / 33.18%
  • PP / 12 / 20.35%
  • Ciudadanos / 7 / 12.30%
  • Unidas Podemos / 6 / 10.17%
  • VOX / 3 / 6.28%
  • Ahora Repúblicas / 3 / 5.64%
  • Lliures per Europa / 2 / 4.59%
  • Coalición por una Europa Solidaria / 1 / 2.85%



  • 60.73%

Source – EU Parliament


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