Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

European elections, 6 – 9 June 2024, country sheet ROMANIA

Official EE24 website: https://europarlamentare2024.bec.ro/

Other elections/referenda held the same day: Local elections

Number of MEPs before/after EE24: 33/33

Current government: PSD (S&D) + PNL (EPP)



  • Obligatory vote: No
  • Number of constituencies: 1
  • Preferential vote: No
  • Postal vote: No
  • Threshold to get elected: 5%
  • Day of EE24: Sunday 9 June
  • Opening time of polling stations: 7.00 EEST (CEST+1)
  • Closing time of polling stations: 22.00 EEST (CEST+1)



  • Lists (total): 15 lists + 7 independent candidates
  • Candidates (total): 542
  • Minimum age to stand as candidate: 23

Lead candidates per list or party (affiliation) (In bold those represented in outgoing EP)

  • PSD + PNL (Alianța PSD-PNL – Social Democrat Party + National Liberal Party Alliance) – Mihai Tudose (PSD, S&D)
  • Dreapta Unită (Alianța Dreapta Unită USRPMP-Forța Dreptei – United Right Alliance) – Dan Barna (USR, Renew)
    REPER (Partidul Reînnoim Proiectul European al României – We Renew Romania’s European Project Party) – Dacian Cioloș (REPER, Renew)
  • UDMR (Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România – Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania) – Iuliu Winkler (UDMR, EPP)
    AUR Alliance – Cristian Terheș (PNCR, ECR)
  • SOS (Partidul S.O.S România – SOS Romania Party) – Diana Șoșoacă
  • România Socialistă – Socialist Romania Alliance – Lucia Stanciu
  • AD (Partidul Alternativa Dreaptă – Right Alternative Party) – Adela-Dorina Mârza
  • PDU (Partidul Diaspora Unită – United Diaspora Party) – Florin Călinescu
  • PUSL (Partidul Umanist Social Liberal – Humanist Social Liberal Party) – Cristian Barbu
  • POL (Partidul Oamenilor Liberi – Free Men Alliance) – Andrei Chebuțiu
  • PRM (Partidul România Mare – Greater Romania Party) – Dorel-Constantin Oanca
  • PNR (Partidul Noua Românie – New Romania Party) – Sebastian Constantin Popescu
  • PP (Partidul Patrioților – Patriots’ Party) – Iulian Surugiu
  • PNT-MM (Partidul Național Țărănesc Maniu-Mihalache – National Peasants’ Party) – Liviu Petrina

MEPs re-running (in bold lead candidate of list)


  • Mihai Tudose (1) (PSD, S&D)
  • Rareș Bogdan (2) (PNL, EPP)
  • Dan Motreanu (4) (PNL, EPP)
  • Claudiu Manda (5) (PSD, S&D)
  • Victor Negrescu (7) (PSD, S&D)
  • Daniel Buda (9) (PNL, EPP)
  • Maria Grapini (10) (PSD, S&D)
  • Siegfried Mureșan (12) (PNL, EPP)
  • Dragoș Benea (13) (PSD, S&D)
  • Mircea Hava (14) (PNL, EPP)
  • Dan Nica (15) (PSD, S&D)
  • Gheorghe Falcă (16) (PNL, EPP)

United Right

  • Eugen Tomac (3) (PMP, EPP)
  • Vlad Botoș (4) (USR, Renew)


  • Dacian Cioloș (1) (REPER, Renew)
  • Ramona Strugariu (2) (REPER, Renew)
  • Dragoș Pîslaru (3) (REPER, Renew)


  • Iuliu Winkler (1) (UDMR, EPP)
  • Loránt Vincze (2) (UDMR, EPP)

AUR Alliance

  • Cristian Terheș (1) (PNCR, ECR)


  • Nicolae Ștefănuță (Greens)


MEPs / % votes

  • PNL / 10 / 27%
  • PSD / 8 / 22.50%
  • USR+PLUS / 8 / 22.36%
  • Pro Romania / 2 / 6.44%
  • PMP / 2 / 5.76%
  • UDMR / 2 / 5.26%
  • ALDE / 0 / 4.11%
  • Others / 0 / 6.57%


  • 51.20%

Soource – EU Parliament


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