Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

European elections, 6 – 9 June 2024, country sheet IRELAND

Official EE24 website: https://www.electoralcommission.ie/european-parliament-elections/

Other elections/referenda held the same day: Local and Limerick mayoral elections

Number of MEPs before/after EE24: 13/14

Current government: Fine Gael (EPP), Fianna Fáil (Renew), Green Party (Greens/EFA) coalition since 2020 – current Fine Gael Taoiseach


  • Obligatory vote: No
  • Number of constituencies: 3
  • Preferential vote: Single transferable vote
  • Postal vote: Yes, in limited circumstances
  • Threshold to get elected: No
  • Day of EE24: Friday 7 June
  • Opening time of polling stations: 8.00 CEST
  • Closing time of polling stations: 23.00 CEST


  • Total: around 3 300 000
  • Minimum age: 18


  • Lists (total): Individual candidates
  • Candidates (total): 73
  • Minimum age to stand as candidate: 21

Lead candidates per list or party (affiliation) (In bold those represented in outgoing EP)

Dublin (4)

  • Independent (N/A) – Umar Al-Qadri
  • Fianna Fáil (Renew) – Barry Andrews
  • National Party (N/A) – Rebecca Barrett
  • Sinn Féin (The Left) – Lynn Boylan
  • Independent Ireland (N/A) – Niall Boylan
  • Rabharta (N/A) – Robin Cafolla
  • Aontú (N/A) – Aisling Considine
  • Green Party (Greens/EFA) – Ciarán Cuffe
  • Independents 4 Change (The Left) – Clare Daly
  • Fine Gael (EPP) – Regina Doherty
  • Sinn Féin (The Left) – Daithí Doolin
  • Ireland First (N/A) – Philip Dwyer
  • Social Democrats (N/A) – Sinead Gibney
  • The Irish People (N/A) – Andy Heasman
  • Independent (N/A) – Conor Murphy
  • Independent (N/A) – Eamonn Murphy
  • Labour (S&D) – Aodhán Ó Ríordáin
  • Irish Freedom Party (N/A) – Diarmaid Ó’Conaráin
  • Independent (N/A) – Stephen O’Rourke
  • Independent (N/A) – Brendan Ogle
  • National Party (N/A) – Patrick Quinlan
  • People Before Profit-Solidarity (N/A) – Bríd Smith
  • Independent (N/A) – Malachy Steenson

South (5)

  • Ireland First (N/A) – Derek Blighe
  • Rabharta (N/A) – Lorna Bogue
  • Independent (N/A) – Christopher V.S. Doyle
  • Social Democrats (N/A) – Susan Doyle
  • Independent (N/A) – Mary Fitzgibbon
  • Sinn Féin (The Left) – Kathleen Funchion
  • Sinn Féin (The Left) – Paul Gavan
  • Labour (S&D) – Niamh Hourigan
  • Fianna Fáil (Renew) – Billy Kelleher
  • Fine Gael (EPP) – Seán Kelly
  • The Irish People (N/A) – Ross Lahive
  • Irish Freedom Party (N/A) – Michael Leahy
  • Independent (N/A) – Una McGurk
  • Independent (N/A) – Michael McNamara
  • Fine Gael (EPP) – John Mullins
  • Aontú (N/A) – Patrick Murphy
  • Fianna Fáil (Renew) – Cynthia Ní Mhurchú
  • Independent (N/A) – Ciarán O’Riordan
  • Green Party (Greens/EFA) – Grace O’Sullivan
  • People Before Profit-Solidarity (N/A) – Cian Prendiville
  • Independent (N/A) – Eddie Punch
  • Independents 4 Change (The Left) – Mick Wallace
  • Independent (N/A) – Graham de Barra

Midlands-North West (5)

  • National Party (N/A) – Justin Barrett
  • Fianna Fáil (Renew) – Niall Blaney
  • The Irish People (N/A) – Anthony Cahill
  • Fine Gael (EPP) – Nina Carberry
  • Independent (N/A) – Peter Casey
  • Fianna Fáil (Renew) – Lisa Chambers
  • Fianna Fáil (Renew) – Barry Cowen
  • Independent (N/A) – Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan
  • Independent (N/A) – Stephen Garland
  • Sinn Féin (The Left) – Michelle Gildernew
  • Social Democrats (N/A) – Rory Hearne
  • Independent (N/A) – Charlotte Keenan
  • Irish Freedom Party (N/A) – Hermann Kelly
  • Labour (S&D) – Fergal Landy
  • Sinn Féin (The Left) – Chris MacManus
  • Ireland First (N/A) – Margaret “Alacoque” Maguire
  • Independent (N/A) – Saoirse McHugh
  • Independent Ireland (N/A) – Ciaran Mullooly
  • Green Party (Greens/EFA) – Pauline O’Reilly
  • People Before Profit-Solidarity (N/A) – Brian O’Boyle
  • Independent (N/A) – Daniel Pocock
  • National Party (N/A) – James Reynolds
  • Independent (N/A) – Michelle Smith
  • Aontú (N/A) – Peadar Tóibín
  • Fine Gael (EPP) – Maria Walsh
  • Independent (N/A) – Gerry Waters
  • Independent (N/A) – John Waters


MEPs / % votes

  • Fine Gael / 5 / 29.59
  • Fianna Fáil / 2 / 16.55
  • Green Party / 2 / 11.37
  • Independents 4 Change / 2 / 7.39
  • Sinn Féin / 1 / 11.68
  • Independent / 1 / 15.74


  • 49,68%

Source – EU Parliament


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