Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

European elections, 6 – 9 June 2024, country sheet ESTONIA

Official EE24 website:

Other elections/referenda held the same day: No

Number of MEPs before/after EE24: 7/7

Current government: Reformierakond (Renew), Sotsiaaldemokraadid (S&D), Eesti 200 (unaffiliated) alliance, since January 2021


  • Obligatory vote: No
  • Number of constituencies: 1
  • Preferential vote: Yes
  • Postal vote: Yes for Estonians living abroad; additionally, all Estonian citizens can vote online, if they so wish.
  • Threshold to get elected: No
  • Day of EE24: Sunday 9 June
  • Opening time of polling stations: 8.00 CEST
  • Closing time of polling stations: 19.00 CEST


  • Total: Approximately 984 000 (exact number to be disclosed only after the elections)
  • Minimum age: 18


  • Lists (total): 9 party lists, 5 individual candidates
  • Candidates (total): 78
  • Minimum age to stand as candidate: 21

Lead candidates per list or party (affiliation) (In bold those represented in outgoing EP)

  • Urmas Paet, Reformierakond (Renew)
  • Martin Helme, Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond (ID, party currently represented in ID group by MEP Jaak Madison)
  • Marina Kaljurand, Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond (S&D)
  • Riho Terras, Isamaa (EPP)
  • Margus Tsahkna, Eesti 200 (unaffiliated)
  • Mihhail Kõlvart, Keskerakond (party currently represented in Renew group by MEP Jana Toom)
  • Lavly Perling, Parempoolsed (unaffiliated)
  • Evelyn Sepp, Eestimaa Rohelised (Greens)
  • Aivo Peterson, KOOS (unaffiliated)

+ 5 individual candidates

  • Mike Calamus
  • Kalle Grünthal
  • Andres Inn
  • Vsevolod Jürgenson
  • Tanel Talve

MEPs re-running (in bold lead candidate of list)

  • Marina Kaljurand, Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond (S&D)
  • Sven Mikser, Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond (S&D)
  • Riho Terras, Isamaa (EPP)
  • Urmas Paet, Reformierakond (Renew)
  • Jana Toom, Keskerakond (Renew)
  • Jaak Madison, Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond (ID)



MEPs / % votes

  • Eesti Reformierakond / 2 / 26,2%
  • Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond / 2 / 23,3%
  • Eesti Keskerakond / 1 / 14,4%
  • Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond (EKRE) / 1 / 12,7%
  • Isamaa / 1 / 10,3%
  • Raimond Kaljulaid (best independent) / 0 / 6,2%
  • Eesti 200 / 0 / 3,2%
  • Eestimaa Rohelised / 0 / 1,8%
  • Elurikkuse Erakond / 0 / 0,9%
  • Eestimaa Ühendatud Vasakpartei / 0 / 0,1%
  • Other independent candidates together / 0 / 0,9%


  • 37,59%

Source – EU Parliament


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