Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Brussels, 27 June 2023

“I would like to invite you to our June European Council which will take place on Thursday 29 and Friday 30 June. Our meeting will be preceded by a lunch with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, with whom we can exchange on issues of global and European security.

Russia’s war in Ukraine is continuing relentlessly. Our unwavering unity stands in contrast to the disunity in Russia showcased by this weekend’s events. The destruction of the Kakhovka dam earlier this month is one of the biggest human-caused disasters of our time. In addition to the dramatic consequences we have already witnessed, it is also threatening Europe’s largest nuclear power plant. Ever more in these circumstances, we will reassert our commitment to support Ukraine for as long as it takes, including through sustainable financial and military assistance. We should also discuss how to further intensify international support for Ukraine’s Peace Formula.

Last year in Versailles, we decided to take greater responsibility for our European security and defence.  Now is the time to assess where we stand and discuss how to speed up our work so that we live up to our commitments.

We will also exchange views on our economic situation. I would like us to take stock of progress in increasing our competitiveness, strengthening our economic base, and enhancing our economic security and resilience, reflecting on further action that may be needed.

The recent tragic shipwreck in the Mediterranean, and the many lives lost, is a stark reminder of our need to continue working relentlessly on our European migratory challenge. After the report by the Council Presidency and the Commission, we will review the migratory situation and progress in the implementation of our February conclusions.

On China, we will provide further guidance following our debate in October and the debate held by Foreign Affairs ministers in May. This will be an opportunity to reconfirm our broad and united stance towards China.

Various other foreign policy items are deserving of our attention, especially the upcoming EU-CELAC summit, our relations with partners in the Southern Neighbourhood and developments in the Western Balkans. I look forward to meeting you all in Brussels.”

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