Wed. Sep 18th, 2024
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Judgment by the EU Court of Justice or the EU General Court. Photo by geralt on Pixabay

Brussels, 24 July 2024

The Commission has today published its fifth annual Rule of Law Report, examining systematically and objectively rule of law developments in all Member States on an equal basis. In comparison to the first issue of the Rule of Law Report adopted in 2020, Member States and the EU as a whole are much better prepared to detect, prevent and address emerging challenges. This contributes to the resilience of our European democracies and to mutual trust in the EU. It also contributes to a good functioning of the single market and benefits a business environment that fosters competitiveness and sustainable growth.

Since its first publication in 2020, the report has become a true driver of positive reforms: Two thirds (68%) of the recommendations issued in 2023 have been, fully or partially, addressed. However, in some Member States systematic concerns remain and the situation has further deteriorated. These concerns are addressed in the recommendations of this year’s report. There are no recommendations for enlargement countries in this report as recommendations for these countries are issued exclusively in the context of the annual Enlargement Package.

This year’s report includes, for the first time, four country chapters on developments in Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. Including these enlargement countries in the Rule of Law Report, the most advanced in the process, will support their reform efforts, help authorities to make further progress in the accession process and to prepare for the continuation of work on the rule of law as a future Member State.

More than 7 in 10 EU citizens agree that the EU plays an important role in helping to uphold the rule of law in their country, according to a Special Eurobarometer survey published today. Close to 9 in 10 EU citizens consider important that all EU Member States respect the core values of the EU, an opinion stable since 2019. In addition, the feeling of being informed about the EU’s fundamental values has improved significantly in many countries: overall, 51% EU citizens feel well informed about the EU’s fundamental values and rule of law, compared to 43% in 2019.

The 2024 report, as every year, includes a Communication examining the situation in the EU as a whole and 27 country chapters looking at significant developments in each Member State. The report also includes an assessment of last year’s recommendations and, on that basis, provides, once more, specific recommendations addressed to all Member States.

The report covers four pillars: national justice systems, anti-corruption frameworks, media freedom and pluralism as well as other institutional checks-and balances.

Key findings and recommendations

1. Justice reforms

Justice reforms have continued to be high on the political agenda over the last year, with many Member States following up on the 2023 recommendations and implementing reforms agreed in the context of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). Several Member States have initiated or further progressed with important reforms to strengthen judicial independence. They have undertaken legislative efforts to strengthen the independence and effectiveness of Councils of the Judiciary, to improve judicial appointment procedures, including regarding their highest courts, or to strengthen the autonomy of prosecution services. At the same time, some systemic concerns as regards judicial independence persist and specific cases of deterioration have been observed. Member States also introduced measures to improve the efficiency and quality of justice, as well as to facilitate access to justice. However, in several Member States, remuneration of judges and prosecutors is a concern and has led to challenges to recruit qualified judicial personnel.

Consequently, this year’s report recommends to Member States to address challenges such as the need for safeguards in judicial appointment procedures for both judges at lower instance courts and at high-level positions, the autonomy of the prosecution service or the need to provide adequate resources for the judiciary, including as regards salaries.

In the enlargement countries, important reforms, including at constitutional level, have been undertaken to strengthen judicial independence and the quality of the justice systems. However, further works need to be done, notably in areas related to the functioning of the self-governing bodies of the judiciary and on judicial appointments.

2. Anti-corruption frameworks

Corruption remains a serious concern for citizens and businesses in the EU, according to the results of the 2024 Special and Flash Eurobarometer survey on citizens’ and businesses’ attitudes towards corruption in the EU.

The results of the Special Eurobarometer show that Europeans remain concerned about national governments’ efforts to address corruption: 65% of citizens believe that high-level corruption cases are not sufficiently pursued, and only 30% think that government efforts to combat corruption are effective. Similarly, 51% of EU-based companies think that people or businesses engaging in corrupt practices are caught by or reported to the authorities. Of these companies, around three quarters think that too close links between business and politics lead to corruption (79%) and that favouritism and corruption undermine business competition (74%). Across the EU, an average of 68% of citizens and 64% of EU-based companies consider corruption to be widespread in their Member States.

Since last year, Member States have improved their institutional landscape to better fight corruption, including by increasing resources on the capacity of law enforcement services, prosecution authorities and the judiciary. At the same time, further action is needed to strengthen preventive frameworks, such as those governing lobbying and conflicts of interest and asset declaration rules, as well as to ensure the effective investigation and prosecution of corruption cases. This is reflected in this year’s recommendations.

In the enlargement countries, legal and institutional arrangements were strengthened, though investigation and prosecution of corruption cases need to be further strengthened.

3. Media freedom and pluralism

Since the last Rule of Law Report, several Member States made concrete steps to improve journalists’ safety and working environment, also in the light of Commission initiatives such as the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), already in force and fully applicable as of August 2025, the ‘Anti-SLAPP’ directive and recommendation and the Recommendation on safety of journalists.

Moreover, the tasks and competences of several national media regulators have been expanded and extended, also due to the entry into force of the EU Digital Services Act, as well as new establishment or extension of online ownership registries.

However, concerns persist in several Member States as regards the independent governance or financial stability of public service media broadcasters, transparency of media ownership, the right of access to public documents and the transparent and fair allocation of state advertising. The Commission has, once more, issued several recommendations on all these areas, including also the safety of journalists.

Challenges exist in enlargement countries, notably as regards transparency of media ownership, the independence of regulators or public services media and the safety of journalists, though reforms have also been carried out in some of them to address some of these issues.

4. Institutional checks and balances

Member States have continued to improve the quality of their legislative processes and to involve stakeholders in these processes – a trend also noted in the previous Rule of Law Reports. Some Member States bolstered status and resources of National Human Rights institutions, ombudspersons, and other independent authorities. Initiatives to reinforce the framework for and funding of civil society have also continued in several Member States.

However, challenges remain in several Member States, such as the excessive use of accelerated procedures or the overall quality of law-making, as well as in consultation of stakeholders. Civil society and human rights defenders have increasingly faced challenges, legal restrictions, and attacks, including systemic restrictions to their operations in certain Member States. This is a worrying trend noted already in the previous report.

To address the issues identified, the Commission has issued recommendations related to the functioning of the legislative process, the establishment and functioning of independent authorities and the enabling environment for civil society.

In the enlargement countries, challenges remain regarding the systematic follow-up to recommendations of Ombudsperson institutions and other independent bodies. Challenges are also observed in relation to the quality of law-making and stakeholder consultations.

Next steps

The Commission now invites the European Parliament and the Council to continue general and country-specific debates on the basis of this report, also using the recommendations to further examine how concrete progress can be made. The Commission also calls on national Parliaments, civil society, and other key stakeholders and actors, to continue national dialogue on the rule of law, as well as at European level, with increased citizen’s engagement. Finally, the Commission invites Member States to effectively take up the opportunities and challenges identified in the report, as it stands ready to assist them in their efforts to continue the implementation of recommendations.

As President von der Leyen announced in her Political Guidelines 2024 – 2029, the Commission will continue to improve its monitoring and reporting, and to strengthen checks and balances, notably by tracking the implementation of recommendations. To ensure the report looks at all issues across Europe, a Single Market dimension will be added to the report. This will address rule of law issues affecting companies, especially Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), operating across borders.

For enlargement countries, the Commission will continue to follow up on the issues identified, including in its next annual reports on enlargement. Further enlargement countries will be included in the Rule of Law Report as and when they are ready.


The rule of law is crucial for every citizen and business in the EU as it is a precondition for the respect of other values. It guarantees that fundamental rights are upheld in line with a set of core democratic values, ensures the application of EU law, and supports an investment-friendly business environment. It is an integral part of the very identity of the European Union.

The annual Rule of Law Report is the result of close dialogue with national authorities and stakeholders and covers all Member States and four enlargement countries on the basis of the same objective and transparent methodology, while examining the same set of issues in each country. The qualitative assessment carried out by the Commission focuses on significant developments since the adoption of the fourth annual Rule of Law Report in July 2023, while remaining proportionate to developments.

The report is at the centre of the annual Rule of Law Cycle. This yearly cycle is preventive – it serves to promote the rule of law and aims to keep problems from emerging or deepening. It is separate from the other elements in the EU’s Rule of Law Toolbox and complements but does not replace the Treaty-based mechanisms allowing the EU to respond to more serious rule of law related issues in Member States. These tools include infringement proceedings and the procedure to protect the founding values of the Union under Article 7 of the Treaty on European Union.

The fifth edition of the report gives specific recommendations for all Member States, a practice that was introduced in 2022. The analysis also contains a qualitative assessment of the progress made by the Member States towards implementing the 2023 recommendations, taking into account the overall context in the Member States. Depending on the progress made on the various subparts of each recommendation, the Commission concluded its assessment in each case using the following categories to track developments: no progress, some progress, significant progress and full implementation.

This year’s recommendations have been prepared based on the assessment in the country chapters and the dialogue with Member States as well as in full respect of the principle of equal treatment. In issuing the recommendations, the Commission has paid close attention to keeping them focused and anchored in European standards and has taken into account national legal systems. In addition, consistency and synergies with other processes, such as the European Semester, the budget conditionality mechanism and the Recovery and Resilience Facility, are ensured. Future editions of the Rule of Law Report will continue to look at the follow-up given to this year’s recommendations. The recommendations should be read together with the assessments in the country chapters that examine specific concerns and are meant to guide Member States to take measures to address them.

Since 2020, several new EU initiatives have raised common standards in areas with direct relevance for the rule of law, drawing on the results of the monitoring in the context of this report. This includes the European Media Freedom Act and the Anti-Corruption Package, including proposals for new legislation to combat corruption in the EU and to strengthen the EU sanctioning regime for corruption in the EU’s external dimension.

Following the announcement in the 2023 State of the Union Address, the inclusion of certain enlargement countries in the 2024 Rule of Law Report, alongside Member States, will support these countries’ reform efforts to achieve irreversible progress on democracy and the rule of law ahead of accession, and to guarantee lasting high standards after accession. Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia now participate in the Rule of Law Report exercise, reflecting the progress made in their respective accession process, focusing on the advancement of the rule of law. This approach will be extended to other enlargement countries in the future, depending on their progress.

More information

The rule of law is the glue to our democracies and a safeguard of our rights. Without the rule of law our democracies and economies would be in shambles. We have been designing the rule of law toolbox for five years in line with our common values and today we are much better equipped to face the challenges. The work on the rule of law report fosters constant dialogue with the Member States. This year’s report shows that Member States have improved and strengthened the rule of law not least by implementing the Commission’s recommendations. Unfortunately, concerns remain in several Member States in different categories. This means that even more work needs to be done to improve the independence of the judiciary, to effectively fight corruption and to improve the safety of journalists and civil society organisations.

Věra Jourová, Vice-President for Values and Transparency

Five years after the first Rule of Law Report, we are better equipped to detect, prevent and address emerging challenges to the rule of law. We have seen that dialogue can help make important progress. And this is precisely why this report has and will continue to serve as a reference to initiate debates at national level and help drive national reform agendas. As today’s findings underline, while there are positive developments, there is still room for improvement. Strengthening the rule of law is a continuous work for all the Member States and enlargement countries. I encourage all Member States to keep working on implementing the recommendations.

Didier Reynders, Commissioner for Justice

Source – EU Commission


Questions and Answers on the 2024 Rule of Law Report

Brussels, 24 July 2024

What is the Rule of Law Report?

The Rule of Law Report is a preventive tool and part of the annual Rule of Law Cycle. It complements other mechanisms and instruments at EU level, each with their own purpose and together constituting the so-called ‘EU Rule of Law Toolbox’. The aim of the report is to monitor and assess significant developments with regards to the state of the rule of law, both positive and negative.

In identifying relevant challenges, the report seeks to support Member States in upholding the rule of law, working with the Commission, other Member States, and key stakeholders such as the Venice Commission. The report has become a key point of reference at EU and national level. Its dedicated monitoring has brought a stronger common understanding of developments at national level, helping to identify risks, develop possible solutions, and target support early on. The report covers developments in four key areas: justice systems, the anti-corruption framework, media freedom and pluralism, and other institutional issues linked to checks and balances.

The 2024 report presents an assessment of the rule of law situation in Member States, including the follow-up to the recommendations made in 2023, and significant developments at the EU level since July 2023. It consists of a general report and individual country chapters on the EU Member States and, for the first time, on four enlargement countries. For the Member States, the report also includes specific recommendations, aiming to further assist them in their efforts to take forward ongoing reforms and help them identify where improvements are needed.

Why have certain enlargement countries been included in the report and how were they chosen?

The inclusion of certain enlargement countries is the main novelty of the 2024 Rule of Law Report. Beyond the clear economic and security benefits of a larger Union, the EU is committed to promoting the rule of law as central to human rights and democracy globally and in its neighbourhood. A key goal of EU enlargement is to firmly anchor the rule of law in our continent. The inclusion of the most advanced enlargement countries in the 2024 Rule of Law Report aims at putting them on equal footing with Member States early on. It will support these countries’ reform efforts to achieve irreversible progress on democracy and the rule of law ahead of accession, and to guarantee lasting high standards after accession.

The Commission has therefore invited Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia to participate to the 2024 report on the basis of objective, merit-based criteria both as regards the formal stage of advancement in their respective accession process and the level of preparedness specifically concerning matters related to the rule of law. This approach enables an extension to other enlargement countries in the future, as foreseen in the President’s political guidelines for the next European Commission.

How have Member States addressed the recommendations made in the 2023 report?

The 2024 report looks particularly at how Member States have followed up on the recommendations issued last year. The report finds that 68% of the recommendations made in 2023 have been followed up by Member States to different degrees, a similar figure as for last year’s report. For each recommendation from 2023 an assessment of the progress made is provided. On this basis, and taking into account new developments, the 2024 report includes an updated set of country-specific recommendations for each Member State. These recommendations either follow up on last year’s recommendations, where there was no or partial implementation, or address new challenges. They have been prepared in line with the principles established in the report’s methodology.

The objective of the recommendations is to support Member States in their efforts to take ongoing or planned reforms forward, to encourage positive developments, and to help them identify where improvements to recent changes or reforms may be needed. In the country chapters, the Commission has continued to follow up on the challenges and developments identified in the previous reports, deepening its assessment in certain areas.

How has the Commission followed up on the recommendations and assessed their implementation?

The Commission invites Member States to hold technical follow-up meetings to discuss the recommendations included in the report. Several Member States have actively responded and engaged in this additional technical dialogue. In addition, regular bilateral meetings have been taking place at political level, and Commissioners also continued to discuss the Rule of Law Report with representatives in national Parliaments. The country visits provided an opportunity to exchange on the follow-up to recommendations issued in the 2023 report.

The analysis in the report contains an assessment of the progress made by Member States towards implementing the 2023 recommendations, based on a qualitative analysis of developments since July 2023, considering the overall context in the Member States. Depending on the progress made on the various subparts of each recommendation, the Commission concluded in each case using the following categories: no progress, some progress, significant progress, and full implementation.

The report shows that important efforts are being made to address the recommendations of the report. Depending on their nature and subject matter, some recommendations can take a longer time to address than the annual cycle of these reports. This may be due to the need for extensive political and stakeholder consultations, or the fact that electoral cycles can interrupt the progress of preparing and adopting legislation.

What are the principles for choosing the recommendations?

In line with the preventive nature of the report, and based on the continuous dialogue with Member States, the objective of these new recommendations is to: (i) support Member States in their efforts to take forward reforms; (ii) encourage positive developments; and (iii) identify where improvements or a follow-up on reforms may be needed, also with a view to addressing systemic challenges in certain cases. The recommendations stem directly from the analysis included in country chapters and aim to guide Member States to take appropriate measures to address concerns raised. The recommendations do not prejudge in any way any proceedings the Commission may initiate under other legal instruments, such as infringement procedures or the Conditionality Regulation.

In preparing the recommendations included in this report, the following principles have been observed, as established in the report’s methodology:

  • All Member States are subject to country-specific recommendations in full respect of the principles of equal treatment and proportionality.
  • The recommendations in the report are based on an in-depth assessment in the country chapters, and the application of objective criteria grounded in EU law or European and international standards.
  • The recommendations are proportionate to the identified challenges. They also encourage the pursuit of positive reform efforts.
  • The recommendations are sufficiently specific to allow Member States to give a concrete and actionable follow-up, while taking the national competences, legal systems, and institutional context into account as relevant.
  • In preparing the recommendations, the Commission has paid close attention to consistency and synergies with other processes, such as the European Semester, the Conditionality Regulation and the national Recovery and Resilience Plans.
  • Subsequent editions of the Rule of Law Report will cover the follow-up to the recommendations.

There are no recommendations for enlargement countries in this report. Such recommendations are issued exclusively in the context of the annual Enlargement Package.

How did the Commission prepare the 2024 Rule of Law Report?

The 2024 edition is the result of an inclusive process with Member States and stakeholders, and follows the same public methodology as previous reports, updated following discussions with Member States.

In November 2023, Member States were consulted on the questionnaire used to collect input for the fifth report. Between December 2023 and January 2024, the Commission received written input from Member States and around 250 written contributions from stakeholders about specific developments in Member States, as well as at the EU-level. The enlargement countries also provided written updates, complementing the information provided in the context of the enlargement process.

Between January and April 2024, over 650 meetings as part of the country visits took place online across all 27 Member States and the four enlargement countries, and the Commission discussed rule of law developments with over 900 national authorities, including judicial authorities, law enforcement, as well as other stakeholders, such as journalists’ and judges’ associations and civil society organisations. All countries were given the opportunity to provide factual updates on their country chapters ahead of the adoption of the fifth Rule of Law Report.

The EU Rule of Law Network, which was set up in 2020, continued to provide a channel of communication between the Commission and the Member States. Enlargement countries have also been invited to appoint a contact point, and since May 2024 they have participated as observers to this network.

How has the Commission assessed the developments related to the rule of law at national level?

The assessments contained in the country chapters were prepared in line with the Commission’s methodology, which is public and has been discussed with Member States. The work is based on a variety of sources and is focused on the report’s four main pillars: the justice system, the anti-corruption framework, media freedom and pluralism, and other institutional checks and balances. For each pillar, the methodology recalled the EU law provisions and European standards relevant for the assessment. It also refers to opinions and recommendations from the Council of Europe, which provided useful guidance.

The country chapters rely on a qualitative assessment carried out by the Commission, focusing on a synthesis of significant developments since the adoption of the last report. The assessment covers both challenges and positive developments, including good practices. In each country chapter, the analysis focuses particularly on topics where there have been significant developments, or where important challenges have been identified in the previous report and persist during the reporting period. For the enlargement countries, while focusing on recent developments, an overview of the baseline situation in the countries is also provided to anchor the assessment.

The country-specific chapters do not purport to give an exhaustive description of the rule of law situation at national level but focus on the most significant developments. The specific recommendations tailored to each Member State stem directly from the assessments included in the country-specific chapters.

What is the value added of the Rule of Law Report?

Every year since 2020, the Rule of Law Report, by systematically and objectively examining rule of law developments in all Member States, has highlighted that the rule of law is central to citizens and businesses in every part of the EU. Five years on, the preparedness of Member States and of the EU as a whole to detect, prevent and address emerging challenges has greatly improved. This is also illustrated by the engagement and cooperation that Member States have once again demonstrated in the preparation of this year’s report.

The report has become a true driver of positive reform – this year’s edition again shows that important efforts are ongoing in Member States to follow-up on the previous year’s recommendations and address challenges identified. At the same time, depending on their nature and subject matter, some recommendations can take a longer time to address than the annual cycle. Overall, two-thirds of the recommendations issued in 2023 related to important reforms in national justice systems, anti-corruption frameworks, media freedom and pluralism, and other institutional checks-and balances, have been followed-up, at least to some extent. The 2024 recommendations aim to further assist and support Member States in their efforts to take forward on-going reforms and to identify where other improvements may be needed to address specific concerns.

The Rule of Law Report informs the political as well as the technical debate on the rule of law at both EU and national level. It is central to our efforts to promote and safeguard the rule of law in the EU. This has been confirmed in the positive evaluation of the Council’s Annual Rule of Law Dialogue in 2023, which formalised the Rule of Law Report as the Dialogue’s basis.

It is also used as the basis for discussions in the European Parliament, with general discussions and dedicated country-specific hearings and meetings organised as part of a pilot on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights, and a new Democracy, Rule of Law, and Fundamental Rights Monitoring Group.

At national level, the Commission has presented and discussed the country-specific findings of the annual Rule of Law Report in many national Parliaments. The Commission has furthermore continued to organise national rule of law dialogues together with the Fundamental Rights Agency, bringing together different national stakeholders at national level and seeking to include them more closely in the follow-up to the Rule of Law Reports.

Which stakeholders were consulted on this report?

The Commission carried out targeted stakeholder consultations, which provided general and country-specific contributions from a variety of EU agencies, European networks, national, European civil society organisations and professional associations and international and European actors. These included: the Fundamental Rights Agency, the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary (ENCJ), the Network of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the European Union, the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI), the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE), the Council of Europe, the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) as well as national and international civil society and journalists’ organisations.

The report also builds on a series of studies and reports, such as the Media Pluralism Monitor, relevant Eurobarometers, or the EU Justice Scoreboard.

How will the Commission support Member States and enlargement countries in addressing the challenges identified?

Several instruments and funding opportunities are already in place to support structural reforms through technical assistance and the funding of projects. For example, since 2017, the Commission has had a dedicated Technical Support Instrument for rule of law reforms in Member States. The support can take the form of expert and fact-finding missions on the ground, sharing relevant best practice, diagnostic analyses, and the development and implementation of targeted solutions.

Moreover, the recommendations are meant to guide Member States to take measures to address specific concerns or areas for follow-up raised in the report. The Commission stands ready to further assist Member States in implementing the recommendations, including through bilateral technical dialogues.

Other Commission programmes, such as those for Justice and Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values, also help Member States address challenges, including through calls for proposals open for civil society and other stakeholders.

To address a number of rule of law relevant country-specific recommendations under the European Semester by concrete reforms and investment measures, the Commission agreed with several Member States to include concrete milestones and targets in their Recovery and Resilience Plans. This includes important reform priorities, such as improving the business environment through effective public administration and justice systems. These were subsequently formally approved by the Council and are now being gradually implemented.

As announced in the President’s 2024 guidelines, the Commission will seek to build a closer link between the Rule of Law Report and its recommendations and funding under the EU budget: this will be an important consideration as we seek to ensure that the next Multiannual Financial Framework offers the maximum to European citizens.

As regards enlargement countries, the Commission will continue to engage with partners in the context of the accession process. Issues related to the rule of law, the functioning of democratic institutions, and fundamental rights form part of the so-called “fundamentals” of the enlargement process. These essential issues are addressed as priority matters in the context of accession negotiations along with the economic criteria, public administration reform and public financial management. Enlargement is a merit-based process, thus progress on the fundamentals and the functioning of democratic institutions are core part of these countries’ assessment. The rule of law is also an essential element of the new Western Balkans Reform and Growth Facility. To fully benefit from this unprecedented support mechanisms, countries need to prepare and implement an agreed reform agenda, including concrete steps on the fundamentals.

What is the Annual Rule of Law Cycle?

The Annual Rule of Law Cycle is an annual dialogue between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission, as well as with Member States, national parliaments, civil society and other stakeholders. The Rule of Law Report is the centre of this process.

The annual cycle is organised around the preparation of the Rule of Law Report and its follow-up. It serves as a basis for discussions in the EU to prevent problems from emerging or deepening and identify and share best practice. Identifying challenges as soon as possible with mutual support from the Commission, other Member States, and stakeholders, including the Council of Europe, helps Member States safeguard and uphold the rule of law.

The Annual Rule of Law Cycle is part of broader EU efforts to promote and defend its fundamental values. This work is also carried out through the European Democracy Action Plan, the renewed Strategy for the Implementation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, as well as targeted strategies to help build a Union of Equality.

How does the Rule of Law Report relate to other procedures?

The Rule of Law Report is a preventive mechanism, aimed at improving the rule of law situation across the EU, raising awareness of challenges, and facilitating solutions early on to prevent deterioration. It complements several other mechanisms and instruments at EU level, each with their own purpose.

When preparing the report’s recommendations, the Commission paid close attention to consistency and synergies with other processes, such as the European Semester, the General Conditionality Regulation and the national Recovery and Resilience Plans.

Article 7 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU)

The Article 7 TEU procedure remains an exceptional response instrument for the EU to act where there is a clear risk of a serious breach, or the existence of a serious and persistent breach, of the values of Article 2 TEU, including the rule of law.

Infringement procedures

Infringement procedures have a specific aim, namely, to ensure the correct application of EU law by Member States. Under the Treaties, the Commission may take legal action against a Member State that fails to implement EU law by launching an infringement procedure and ultimately referring the matter to the Court of Justice.

Rule of law conditionality mechanism

The general regime of conditionality is a budgetary instrument designed to remedy adverse effects of breaches of the principles of the rule of law on the financial interests of the Union.

The Commission may take into account the Rule of Law Report, as well as other sources from other institutions (for instance, the European Anti-Fraud Office, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, and the European Court of Auditors), when identifying and assessing breaches of the principles of the rule of law that affect the financial interests of the EU.

Recovery and Resilience Facility

To address a number of rule of law relevant country-specific recommendations under the European Semester by concrete reforms and investment measures, the Commission agreed with several Member States to include concrete milestones and targets in their Recovery and Resilience Plans. These were subsequently formally approved by the Council and are now being gradually implemented.

The EU Justice Scoreboard

The EU Justice Scoreboard presents comparative data on the functioning of national justice systems. It is one of the sources of information which informs the Rule of Law Report, the Rule of Law Conditionality Mechanism, and the European Semester.

Enlargement Reports

The annual Enlargement reports take stock of the overall progress of each country on the accession path. Only with tangible and continuous progress on the rule of law can the Commission recommend moving forward in the negotiations. The annual enlargement Package and country reports will continue to play the same role as before in the accession process. The inclusion of the most advanced enlargement countries in the Rule of Law Reports aims at putting them on equal footing with Member States early on. The monitoring exercise supports their reform efforts, helps authorities to make further meaningful progress in the accession process and to be ready to maintain high standards after accession.

More information

Source – EU Commission


2024 Rule of law report – Communication and country chapters


Publication date: 24 July 2024

Author: Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers

Related department: Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers



The 2024 Rule of Law Report presents a synthesis of both the rule of law situation in the EU and an assessment of the situation in each Member State and enlargement countries.

Communication – 2024 Rule of Law Report – the rule of law situation in the European Union


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2024 Rule of Law Report – Recommendations


(258.18 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of law report – Country chapter abstracts and recommendations


(6.38 MB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Belgium


(559.59 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Bulgaria


(621.48 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Czechia


(474.85 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Denmark


(416.1 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Germany


(663.79 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Estonia


(372.85 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Ireland


(521.34 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Greece


(533.68 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Spain


(517.42 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter France


(436.96 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Croatia


(547.51 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Italy


(573.46 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Cyprus


(480.48 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Latvia


(466.13 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Lithuania


(473.46 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Luxembourg


(408.28 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Hungary


(663.61 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Malta


(449.95 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Netherlands


(555.48 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Austria


(535.29 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Poland


(637.94 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Portugal


(544.89 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Romania


(542.99 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Slovenia


(556.21 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Slovakia


(688.58 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Finland


(459.5 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Sweden


(598.01 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Albania


(465.04 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Montenegro


(471.62 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter North Macedonia


(453.26 KB – PDF)



2024 Rule of Law Report – Country Chapter Serbia


(450.92 KB – PDF)



Related links

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2024 Rule of Law Report


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